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  Download Acrobat Reader 3.01 Home Page
  Download Acrobat Reader 3.01 for Free

You must have the free Acrobat Reader installed on your system to view portable document files. Download the file for Free and execute the program on your computer by double clicking on the file in Windows Explorer. The program is free.

Download Acrobat Reader for Windows 95, 98, 3.1, NT and Macintosh or

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What do I get with the subscription?
Answer: Subscribing allows online access to the reference library, all journals, and the Full text of all journal articles at this site for a 12 month period. You can log-in from any computer.

Question: I purchased a CCS book at a medical bookstore. How do I get the digital book version or update?
Solution: Use the first four numbers of  the ISBN as your password. The ISBN is located on the title page of your book. Log-in and click on Medical Textbook Library and download the update.

Problem: I can't read some documents.
This can occur if your browser has a full cache of temporary internet files. Correct the problem by clearing the web browser of temporary internet files as follows: Select View > Internet Options > Temporary Internet Files > Delete Files. Then click the Refresh button. Netscape: Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Cache > Clear Disk Cache. Make sure you are using Acrobat Reader 3.0 and not Acrobat Reader 2.0.

Problem: White space appears where a PDF file should display in Internet Explorer.
Solution: This can occur if Internet Explorer has an old or bad copy of the PDF file in its cache of temporary internet files. Correct the problem by clearing the web browser of temporary internet files as follows: Select View > Internet Options > Temporary Internet Files > Delete Files. Then click the Refresh button. Netscape: Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Cache > Clear Disk Cache. Make sure you are using Acrobat Reader 3.0 and not Acrobat Reader 2.0. If you are still having problems with Acrobat, uninstall Acrobat Reader
by clicking on start > settings > control panel > uninstall programs. Then reinstall Acrobat Reader.  Try and right click on the link, then select "Save Target As." Save the file to your desktop, then open the file with Acrobat Reader. Go to Run this command: regsvr32 -u c:\Acrobat3\reader\activeX\pdf.ocx .

Problem: When I download a PDF file, the Acrobat Reader does not open and the file does not appear on my screen.
Solution: You should uninstall Acrobat Reader
by clicking on start > settings > control panel > uninstall programs. Then reinstall Acrobat Reader. Or, in Windows 98, click on My Computer > View folder options > File types. Make sure that Adobe Acrobat Documents are set to open with C:\Acrobat3\Reader\AcroRd32.exe "%1".

Problem: Error message appears: "I am sorry, but I was not able to access /services/www/htdocs/ccspub/journals/ in the routine of /services/www/htdocs/ccspub/cgi/auth.cgi at line number 38. Would you please make sure the path is correctly defined in web_store.setup and that the permissions are correct."
Solution: Exit your browser and log-in again. The specific page should download properly. This problem occurs if you attempted to access a page without logging-in first.

Problem: I get the message, "there was a problem reading this document"or Acrobat asks for a password for an encrypted file instead of a PDF file.
Solution: This can occur if your web browser has an old copy of the PDF file in its cache. Correct the problem by clearing the web browser of temporary internet files as follows: Select View > Internet Options > Temporary Internet Files > Delete Files. Then click the Refresh button. Netscape: Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Cache > Clear Disk Cache. Make sure you are using Acrobat Reader 3.01.

Question: How do I get PDF documents to display on my screen?
Answer: Portable document files (PDFs) can only be viewed with the Acrobat Reader program installed on your computer. Download the program as described above, and then click on the hyperlink to the document that you want.

Question: How can I view previous issues?
Answer: Articles from previous issues can be viewed after you subscribe. Subscriptions help defer the cost of operating this site. Articles in the current edition are updated periodically. You can view articles from online journals published by The National Medical Society.

Problem: When printing pages with a dark background, the printout has a dark background and text is white and is very difficult read.
Solution: Change your printer setup to print as a negative image. File > Print > Properties > Graphics > Print as a Negative Image.

Question: How can I obtain a specific article that I am looking for?
Answer: Articles from previous issues can be viewed after you subscribe. Click on Search. You can view all articles from the National Medical Society online journals.

Question: Do I need to resubscribe after one year?
Answer: You will need to resubscribe after one year, we do not automatically renew your subscription.

Question: I submitted the Subscription form. When can I view the documents that require a subscription?
You will be able to log on immediately. Reload any pages that you are browsing. If you still have difficulty, clear your browser's cache of temporary internet files.

Question: How can I search this site?
Go to the index page of articles page where you can find a searchable alphabetical listing of articles.

Question: Can I get journal articles mailed to me?
Answer: Journal articles can be mailed to you at a cost of $15.00 per article. E-mail your requests to technical support along with credit card information.

Question: Can I send my information over the internet?
Transactions are encrypted and fully secure. Our site is certified secure by Verisign. We do not sell names or e-mail addresses.

Question: How can I Subscribe by Fax?
Fax your credit card number to 949-348-8405. You will be sent your password by e-mail or fax. Allow 24 hours for processing.

Question: How can I get the Acrobat Reader Program?
You can download the program for Free from The program is Free. Alternatively, you can have the program mailed to you for a $20.00 handling fee. E-mail your requests to technical support along with credit card information.

Problem: How do I cancel my subscription?
Solution: Please send Written Authorization to our Subscription Department and provide the date you subscribed, your credit card number, expiration date, authorized signature, your name, address, phone number, password, and E-mail address. Send the fax authorization to 949-348-8405. Allow six weeks for a credit to be applied to your credit card. We can not process cancellations without Written Authorization. Regulations require Written Authorization before cancellations can be processed.

Problem: I forgot my password.
Click here to look up your password.

Problem: I Can't Log-On.
Solution: Click here to look up your password. After you log-on, you will see the virtual library page. Go to the journal page you need, then click on the article you want to view. You need to have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer. You can download the program for Free from

Other Questions: Contact technical support only After you have read the FAQs above. Try deleting your temporary internet files Before you contact technical support because this is the most common reason that users have difficulty with Acrobat. If you have further questions, E-mail Technical Support at Please do not contact technical support for subscription changes or cancellations.




































Problem: I forgot my password.
Solution: Please use 1881 as your password. Click here to log-in.

Problem: I Can't Log-On.
Solution: Please use 1881 as your password. After you log-on, you will see the virtual library page. Go to the journal page you need, then click on the article you want to view. Click here to log-in.

Problem: I forgot my password.
Solution: Please use 1881 as your password. Click here to log-in.

Problem: I Can't Log-On.
Solution: Please use 1881 as your password. After you log-on, you will see the virtual library page. Go to the journal page you need, then click on the article you want to view. Click here to log-in.

Problem: I forgot my password.
Solution: Please use 1881 as your password. Click here to log-in.

Problem: I Can't Log-On.
Solution: Please use 1881 as your password. After you log-on, you will see the virtual library page. Go to the journal page you need, then click on the article you want to view. Click here to log-in.

Problem: I forgot my password.
Solution: Please use 1881 as your password. Click here to log-in.

Problem: I Can't Log-On.
Solution: Please use 1881 as your password. After you log-on, you will see the virtual library page. Go to the journal page you need, then click on the article you want to view. Click here to log-in.