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Judith D. Laval, MD


In the United States, circumcision is usually performed for cultural reasons, or because it prevents phimosis, paraphimosis, balanoposthitis, and urinary tract infections. Routine neonatal circumcision carries a very small but real risk of potentially serious complications, including sepsis, amputation of the distal part of the glans, removal of an excessive amount of foreskin, and the occurrence of urethrocutaneous fistulas. Intense debate continues about the cost effectiveness and public health benefits of routine neonatal circumcision (i.e., decrease in the risk of urinary tract infections in male infants with normal urinary tracts from 0.041 to 0.002, prevention of penile cancer, and avoidance of medically indicated circumcision later in life). Proponents of neonatal circumcision also argue that when circumcision is done later in life it is more costly and carries a greater morbidity; however, less than one quarter of circumcisions performed in older children are medically indicated and many children circumcised at birth require revisions for complications or unsatisfactory results.