Online Medical Diagnosis

The National Medical Society

Antrax - Online Diagnosis


Online diagnosis of antrax based on the patient's symptoms.
New Treatments, August 1, 2011.

For how many days has the fatigue, difficulty breathing, skin lesion or other symptom been present?

How old is the patient?

Does the patient have fatigue? 

Yes No

Does the patient have fever?

Yes No

Does the patient have difficulty breathing?

Yes No

Does the patient have a skin abnormality?

Yes No

Has the patient been exposed leather products or wool in the last 2 weeks?

Yes No

Has the patient been exposed to a farm or goats, sheep, cattle, pigs, horses, buffalo, or deer in the last 2 weeks?

Yes No

Has the patient been exposed to dolls or toys decorated with hair or hides in the last 2 weeks? 

Yes No

Has the patient been exposed to an unknown powdered substance or a biological poison? Yes    No    Don't know 

Symptoms of Antrax:

Illness includes 3 types of infection: skin, inhalational, and gastrointestinal antrax. Skin antrax, which accounts for 95% of cases, is characterized by a painless lesion, often at the site of a cut or abrasion, that progresses from a lump to a vesicle to ulceration. The fatality rate in untreated disease approaches 20%. In inhalational anthrax, 2 stages of disease occur. Mild upper respiratory tract symptoms occur initially; severe shortness of breath, blueness around the mouth, rapid heart beat, rapid breathing, profuse sweating, fever, fluid in the lungs, and death may follow 2 to 5 days later.

Karen Williams, MD

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This interactive medical program finds a diagnosis for antrax.