Online Medical Diagnosis

The National Medical Society

Gender Identity Disorder - Online Diagnosis


Online diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder based on the patient's symptoms.
New Treatments, August 1, 2011.

For how many months has the gender confusion been present?

Is the patient an adult/adolescent or child? Adult or 


Does the child repeatedly talk about the desire to be the other sex

Yes No

Does the child repeatedly insist that he or she is the other sex

Yes No

In boys, is there a preference for cross-dressing or simulating female attire; in girls, is there an insistence on wearing only boys-type clothing?

Yes No

Does the child have a desire to participate in the games and pastimes of the other sex?

Yes No

Does the child have a preference for playmates of the other sex? Yes    No  

Karen Williams, MD

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This interactive medical program finds a diagnosis for gender identity disorder.