Online Medical Diagnosis of Medical and Psychiatric Disorders - The National Medical Society


Check partial thromboplastin time, international normalized ratio,  complete blood cell count, peripheral smear, fibrinogen, d-dimer, LDH, BUN, and creatinine.


Does the patient have an abnormal INR, PTT, schistocytes, fibrinogen, or D-dimer level? Yes


Does the patient have anemia, schistocytes, or an increased LDH or BUN/creatinine with a normal PTT and a normal INR? Yes


Does the patient have anemia, schistocytes, an increased LDH and recent cardiac bypass or a prosthetic heart valve? Yes


Does the patient have leukocytosis? Yes


Has the patient had a massive blood transfusion? Yes


Does the patient have an enlarged spleen? Yes


Are all tests normal? Yes    No 


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Online Diagnosis of  Psychiatric Disorders 

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Online Diagnosis of Medical and Psychiatric Disorders