Online Medical Diagnosis

The National Medical Society

Speech Disorder and Phonological Disorder - Online Diagnosis


Online diagnosis of speech disorder and phonological disorder based on the patient's symptoms. New Treatments, August 1, 2011.

How old is the patient?

Does the patient make substitutions of speech sounds (eg, "wabbit" for "rabbit"; "fumb" for "thumb"; "leap" for "leaf")

Yes No

Does the patient make omissions of sounds at the ends of words or in clusters of consonants (eg, "ka" for "car"; "ow" for "house"; "bu" for "blue")?

Yes No

Does the patient make distortions of words (lisps) (eg, pronounce the "s" and "z" sounds by by turning them "th" sounds)? Yes    No  

Karen Williams, MD

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This interactive medical program finds a diagnosis for speech disorder, phonological disorder, voice disorder and lisp.