Online Medical Diagnosis

The National Medical Society

Plague - Online Diagnosis


Online diagnosis of plague based on the patient's symptoms.
New Treatments, August 1, 2011.

For how many days has the fever, cough or enlarged lymph gland or other symptom been present?

How old is the patient?

Does the patient have fever? 

Yes No

Does the patient have cough?

Yes No

Does the patient have rapid breathing?

Yes No

Has the patient been coughing blood? Yes    No 

Plague most commonly presents with fever and painful swollen regional lymph glands (bubonic plague). Less commonly, plague presents with low blood pressure, acute respiratory distress, blood clotting, or as pneumonic plague (cough, fever, shortness of breath, and coughing blood). Fever, chills, headache, and rapidly progressive weakness are characteristic.


Karen Williams, MD

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This interactive medical program finds a diagnosis for bubonic plague and pneumonic plague.