Online Medical Diagnosis

The National Medical Society

Raynaud's Disease and Raynaud's Phenomenon - Online Diagnosis


Online diagnosis Raynaud's Disease and Raynaud's Phenomenon based on the patient's symptoms. New Treatments, August 1, 2011.

For how many weeks or years has the patient noted blue or pale fingers?

How old is the patient?

Has the patient used pneumatic hammers, chain saws, sanders, or grinders?

Yes No

Is the patient a typists, pianists, meat cutters, or sewing machine operator?

Yes No

Does the patient participate in karate?

Yes No

Has the patient ever had a burn injury to the hand?

Yes No

Has the patient ever had an electric shock injury to the hand?

Yes No

Does cold make the symptoms worse?

Yes No

Does stress make the symptoms worse?

Yes    No 


Karen Williams, MD

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This interactive medical program finds a diagnosis for Raynaud's disease and Raynaud's phenomenon.