Online Medical Diagnosis of Medical Problems and Symptoms - The National Medical Society


Bipolar Disorder and Mania - Online Treatment Advisor


Find the best and newest treatment for manic episodes and bipolar I disorder based on the patient's symptoms. New Treatments, August 1, 2011.
For how many years has the manic behavior been present?

Does the patient "feel wonderful" and have euphoria? 

Yes No

Has there been excessive enthusiasm for interpersonal relationships?

Yes No

Has there been excessive enthusiasm for sexual relationships?

Yes No

Has there been excessive enthusiasm for occupational relationships?

Yes No

Has the patient felt unusually irritable?

Yes No

Has there been abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood? Yes    No  


Sarah J. Thompson, MD


Online Diagnosis of Symptoms and Medical Diseases 

Online Diagnosis of  Psychiatric Disorders 

New Treatments


This interactive medical program will find the best treatment for mania, manic, bipolar 1 and manic-depressive.