Online Medical Diagnosis of Medical and Psychiatric Disorders - The National Medical Society


Tourette's Disorder - Online Treatment Advisor


For how many months have the tics and recurrent movements been been present?

How old is the patient?

Has the patient had recurrent, unexplained utterances of random words?

Yes No

Has the patient had recurrent, unexplained utterances of profanity? 

Yes No

Does the patient often have repeated, uncontrolled blinking?

Yes No

Does the patient have repeated, uncontrolled clearing of the throat?

Yes No

Does the patient have uncontrolled grimacing or facial movements?

Yes No

Has the patient had a sudden, rapid, recurrent, movements of a leg?

Yes No

Has the patient had a sudden, rapid, recurrent, movements of an arm? Yes   No 


Online Diagnosis of Symptoms and Medical Diseases 

Online Diagnosis of  Psychiatric Disorders 

New Treatments




Online Treatment of Medical and Psychiatric Disorders











Tourette's disorder, Tourettes disorder, Tourette's syndrome, Tourettes syndrome, Torettes disorder, touretes disorder, touretes syndrome