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Ultrasound imaging methods are based on isonating target tissues with low-energy (<100 MW/cm2), high-frequency (3.5-7.5 MHZ) sound waves and recording the ultrasonography, ultrasound, fetal ultrasound, obstetrical ultrasound
There is no increased incidence of abnormalities resulting from in utero exposure to ultrasonography, and long-term follow-up studies have supported the safety of ultrasonography.
Types of Examinations
Current ACOG guidelines describe two types of obstetric ultrasound examinations: basic and comprehensive examinations. A basic examination is intended to be ultrasonography, ultrasound, fetal ultrasound, obstetrical ultrasound a thorough, well-documented examination performed for any of the usual indications. A comprehensive examination may be indicated in cases where a problem is suspected.
Brief or limited examinations may be appropriate during emergencies or when ultrasonography is used as an adjunct to a procedure. Ultrasonography is also used to provide guidance during amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling (CVS), and percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling (PUBS). During labor and delivery, it can be useful to quickly assess fetal position, identify a placenta previa, or locate fetal heart tones. It is also used as an adjunct during external cephalic version. It is recommended that the patient have a complete ultrasound examination after a limited examination unless the.
The components of a basic examination during the second and third trimesters are determination of gestational age; fetal number, viability, and lie; placental location and grade; and volume of amniotic fluid. The examination also includes a survey of fetal anatomy for gross malformations.
First Trimester. In the late first trimester, fetal anatomy can be ultrasonography, ultrasound, fetal ultrasound, obstetrical ultrasound seen in the fetus but occasionally is difficult to interpret. For example, it is not unusual to see the physiologic herniation of bowel into the