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Indicated for patients with previous acute (ARF) and/or rheumatic heart disease (RHD)
continuous because subclinical Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis can trigger recurrent ARF
Risk of recurrence is greatest in first 5 years after ARF and in those with RHD; the risk is 50% per episode of streptococcal pharyngitis
Persistent RHD: is provided for at least 10 years and at least until age 40; lifelong should be considered
RF with carditis 10 years, or well into adulthood
without residual RHD: (whichever is longer)
RF without carditis: 5 years, or until age 21 (whichever is longer)
IM Benzathine Pen G 1.2 M, units IM Q3-4 wk
P.O. Penicillin V 250 mg BID
P.O. Sulfadiazine 0.5-1.0 gm QD
P.O. Erythromycin 250 mg BID
Goal is to prevent infective endocarditis in susceptible patients (with underlying structural cardiac disease) when undergoing procedures that are likely to induce transient bacteremia
Coverage is provided for the procedure
No controlled data support efficacy; recommendations are based on in vitro susceptibility data
Cardiac Conditions
Highest-Risk Patients (Recommended)
Prosthetic heart valves
Previous IE
Complex cyanotic congenital lesions
Surgical systemic-pulmonary shunts or conduits