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Diaper rash is one of the most common skin disorders, occurring in 50% of infants, with 5% having severe rash. The peak incidence is between 9 and 12 months of age diaper dermatitis, diaper, rash, diper rash. Breast fed infants have fewer diaper rashes than formula-fed infants. The frequency and severity of diaper dermatitis are significantly lower when the number of diaper changes per day is
Superabsorbent disposable diapers significantly reduce the frequency and severity of diaper rash when compared to cloth diapers.
Classification of Diaper Dermatitis
Dermatoses Related to Diaper Wearing
Irritant diaper dermatitis is the most common form of diaper dermatitis. It is accentuated on the convex areas, including the buttocks, lower abdomen, genitalia, and upper thigh, sparing the creases.
It varies in severity from mild erythema (with or without scales) to papules and macerated lesions.
Irritant diaper dermatitis can best be prevented by keeping the skin in the diaper area protected from urine and feces, which cause most cases of diaper dermatitis. This can be accomplished by increasing the frequency of diaper changes and by using super-absorbent disposable diapers.
The skin should be cleaned gently and rinsed with warm tap water after urination, and a mild, non-perfumed soap (eg, Dove) should be used to help remove fecal material. Diaper wipes usually are well-tolerated, but they should be avoided if dermatitis is recurrent. A low-potency corticosteroid ointment ( hydrocortisone 1%) should be applied four times daily with diaper changes. Anticandidal agents such as nystatin, clotrimazole, or ketoconazole should
Thickly applied barrier creams, such as A&D ointment, zinc oxide pastes or Vaseline, may be helpful as
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