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A close association has been found spousal abuse, wife beating, assault between domestic battery and
Effects on Children domestic vilence
30-70% of children also abused
Mothers are eight times more likely to abuse if they are being abused themselves
Among mothers who abuse children, battering is the most common factor
70% of victims were abused as children
70% of boys who were abused will batter
Being a woman is the only identifiable risk factor for being battered
Take responsibility for the abuse
Live in constant anxiety
Feel guilty for not being able to stop abuse
Fear abandonment
Have increased cognitive and language problems; hearing and speech problems
May be developmentally delayed
Have increased psychosomatic illnesses
There is an increased risk of substance abuse in children coming from violent homes
Pregnancy And Abuse
Increased battering during pregnancy
21% of pregnant women seen in emergency rooms are battered
Risk factors while pregnant
Marital status
Increases with more children
Substance abuse
Proximal vs distal
Patterned injuries
Hidden injuries
Nontraumatic Indicators
Partner's behaviors
Is unwilling to leave woman's side
Speaks for the woman/belittles what