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Febrile seizures are the most common convulsive disorder of childhood. A febrile seizure is defined as a seizure associated with fever in infancy or early childhood (usually between 3 months and 5 years of age), without evidence of intracranial infection or other cause febrile seizure, febile, fever, seizures, seizure, fever seizure.
Febrile seizures are a benign syndrome caused primarily by genetic factors, manifest as an age-related febrile seizure, fever, seizures, seizure, fever seizure, feebrile susceptibility to seizures, which eventually is outgrown. The problem almost always resolves without sequelae. Only a small minority will develop non-febrile seizures later. Unless seizures are exceedingly long, there is no risk of brain damage. The majority of febrile seizure, fever, seizures, schildren who have febrile seizures require
Febrile seizures occur in 2-4% of young children. The most common age of onset is in the
Higher temperature and a history of febrile seizures in a close relative are risk factors for the development of a febrile seizure.
After the first febrile seizure, 33% of children will experience one or more recurrences, and 9% of children who have febrile seizures will have
The younger the child's age when the first Febrile Seizures febrile seizure occurs, the greater the
Family history of febrile seizures is a risk Febrile Seizures factor for
Short duration of fever before the initial seizure and relatively lower fever at the time of the initial seizure are risk factors.
Epilepsy. Fewer than 5% of children who have actually develop epilepsy.
Febrile seizures tend to occur in families. The risk of febrile seizures in younger siblings of children who have febrile convulsions is 10-20%, and the risk is higher if the parents have a history of febrile convulsions.
Risk factors for the development of epilepsy following febrile seizures include suspicious or abnormal development before the first seizure, family history of afebrile seizures, and
Most febrile illnesses associated febrile seizures, fever, seizures with febrile seizures are caused by common infections (tonsillitis, upper respiratory infections, otitis media).
Children of preschool age are febrile seizures, fever, seizures subject to frequent infections and high fevers. These children have a relatively low seizure threshold, resulting in febrile seizures
IClinical Evaluation
Febrile seizures usually occur early in the course of a febrile illness, often as the first sign. The seizure may be of any type, but the most common is tonic-clonic. Initially there may be a cry, followed by loss of consciousness and muscular rigidity. During this tonic phase, apnea and incontinence may occur. The tonic phase is followed by the clonic phase of repetitive, rhythmic jerking movements, which is
Other seizure types may be characterized by staring with stiffness or limpness or only focal stiffness or jerking.
Most seizures last less than 6 minutes; 8% last longer than
An underlying illness that may require treatment should be sought. Symptoms of infection, medication exposure, trauma febrile seizures, fever, seizures, febrile seizure, seizure, fever seizure, feebrile should be assessed. The develop mental level, and family history of febrile or
Physical Examination
The level of consciousness, presence of meningismus, a tense or bulging fontanelle, Kernig or Brudzinski sign, and any febrile seizures, fever, seizures, febrile seizure, seizure, febrile seizure, fever, seizures, seizure, fever seizure, feebrile