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Hypomanic Episodes

DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria

At least 4 days of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood.

During the period of mood disturbance at least three of the following have persisted in a significant manner (four if mood is irritable):

1. Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity.

2. Decreased need for sleep.

3. The patient is more talkative than usual and feels pressure to

4. Flight of ideas (jumping from topic-to-topic) or a subjective sense of racing thoughts.

5. Distractibility.

6. Increased goal-directed activity or

7. Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences (ie, sexual promiscuity).

The mood disturbance and change in functioning is noticeable to others.

The change in functioning is uncharacteristic of the patient=s baseline but does not cause marked social or occupational dysfunction, does not require hospitalization, and no psychotic features are present.

Symptoms cannot be due to a medical condition, medication or drugs.The major difference between hypomanic and
