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Medical Library. Full Text Journals Medical Books Online. Physicians Drug Reference

Color Atlas of Skin Diseases

Babesidiobolus -- Bacterial infections -- Bacterial overgrowth syndrome -- Basal cell carcinoma Basal cell epitheliomas -- Bell's palsy Bell's phenomenon -- Betaxolol Bethanechol -- Billroth I procedure Billroth II procedure -- Bladder cancer Bladder dysfunction -- Bone marrow transplantation -- Borderline personality -- Brain abscess -- Brain biopsy -- Bronchocentric granulomatosis Bronchodilators, for bronchitis/emphysema -- Bullous pemphigoid (BP) Bullous photosensitivity, drug-induced -- Byssinosis


Babesidiobolus [ch209 ¶2]

Babesiosis (Babesia) [ch216 ¶55-¶64]

biology and natural cycle [ch216 ¶56]

in cancer patients [ch87 ¶4]

clinical presentation [ch216 ¶61-¶62]

coinfection with ehrlichiosis [ch179 ¶59]

diagnosis [ch216 ¶63]

epidemiology [ch216 ¶57-¶60]

hemolysis in [ch109 ¶93]

and HIV infection, travel and [ch123 ¶34]

life cycles and diagnosis [ch213 Table3]

nucleic acid probes [ch121 ¶30]

splenectomy and [ch61 ¶45]

treatment [ch214 Table1] [ch216rx2]

Babinski sign [ch21 ¶10] [ch360 ¶34]

Bacillary angiomatosis [ch165 ¶10-¶21]

clinical manifestations [ch165 ¶16-¶17]

definition and etiology [ch165 ¶10]

diagnosis [ch165 ¶18]

differential diagnosis [ch165 ¶19]

epidemiology [ch165 ¶11]

and HIV disease [ch165 ¶10] [ch165 ¶17] [ch308 ¶180]

microbiology [ch165 ¶13]

logy [ch165 ¶15]

skin lesions [ch57 ¶82]

treatment [ch165rx2]

Bacillary dysentery


[see: Shigellosis (Shigella)]

Bacillus, Friedlander's


[see: Klebsiella pneumoniae]

Bacillus anthracis [ch144 ¶53-¶76]


[see also: Anthrax]

Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine


[see: BCG vaccine]

Bacillus cereus

food poisoning [ch128 ¶27-¶28] [ch128 Table2]

diarrheal form [ch128 ¶28]

emetic form [ch128 ¶28]

neurotoxin [ch128 ¶10]

Bacitracin [ch140 ¶89]

mechanism of action [ch140 ¶6]

resistance [ch140 Table1]

Back, physical examination of [ch16 ¶14]

Back pain [ch16 ¶1-¶55]

from abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture [ch16 ¶49]

from abdominal disease [ch16 ¶48]

acute [ch16 ¶2]

treatment [ch16 ¶66-¶77]

from ankylosing spondylitis [ch16 ¶42] [ch317 ¶14] [ch317 ¶29]

from arthritis [ch16 ¶40]

chronic low [ch16 ¶2]

treatment [ch16 ¶78-¶83]

conditions causing low [ch16 ¶22-¶55]

from congenital anomalies of lumbar spine [ch16 ¶22]

from facet joint hypertrophy [ch16 ¶36]

from gynecologic and urologic disease [ch16 ¶51]

from infections [ch16 ¶44]

laboratory studies in [ch16 ¶20]

local [ch16 ¶8]


from abdominal disease [ch16 ¶48]

from adhesive arachnoiditis [ch16 ¶37]

from disk disease [ch16 Figure4] [ch16 ¶27-¶32] [ch16 Table2]

menstrual [ch16 ¶52]

from metabolic diseases [ch16 ¶46]

of muscle spasms [ch16 ¶12]

physical examination [ch16 ¶14]

postural [ch16 ¶54]

from prostate carcinoma [ch16 ¶53]

from prostatitis [ch16 ¶53]

of psychiatric origin [ch16 ¶55]

radicular [ch16 ¶11]

referred [ch16 ¶9]

from visceral disease [ch16 ¶47]

at rest or unassociated with posture [ch16 ¶13]

sacral [ch16 ¶51]

from spinal cord compression, cancer-associated [ch16 ¶43] [ch104 ¶22-¶24] [ch375 ¶91]

from spinal epidural abscess [ch16 ¶45]

from spinal stenosis [ch16 Figure5] [ch16 ¶34]

from spondylosis [ch16 ¶41]

from sprains and strains [ch16 ¶24]

from trauma [ch16 ¶23]

treatment [ch16 Figure7] [ch16rx1]

types of low [ch16 ¶7]

from vertebral fractures [ch16 ¶25]

from vertebral osteomyelitis [ch16 ¶44]

Back trauma, pain from [ch16 ¶23]

Baclofen, for multiple sclerosis [ch376 ¶67]

BACOD combination chemotherapy, for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma [ch113 ¶50]

Bacterascites, monomicrobial nonneutrocytic [ch299 ¶31]


anaerobic [ch169 ¶43-¶45]

clostridial [ch148 ¶28-¶33]

defined [ch124 Table1]

and endocarditis [ch126 ¶25]

Escherichia coli [ch155 ¶18]

nosocomial [ch137 ¶12-¶15]

and peritonitis [ch127 ¶5]

pneumococcal [ch141 ¶5-¶6]

Salmonella, nontyphoidal [ch158 ¶48-¶49]

salmonellosis [ch158 ¶41]

staphylococci, coagulase-negative [ch142 ¶82]

Staphylococcus aureus [ch142 ¶53-¶55]

treatment [ch142 ¶72] [ch142 Table2]

streptococci group C and G [ch143 ¶32]

Streptococcus group A (S. pyogenes) [ch143 ¶27]

Streptococcus group B (S. agalactiae) [ch143 ¶39]

Vibrio cholerae, non-O1 [ch161 ¶44]

Vibrio vulnificus [ch161 ¶45-¶49]

viridans streptococci [ch143 ¶48]



[see also: Bacterial infections]

adherence [ch139 ¶10]

cell wall structure [ch139 ¶2-¶8]

endotoxins [ch139 ¶18]

facultative [ch169 ¶1]

invasion [ch139 ¶19-¶21]

microaerophilic [ch169 ¶1]

molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis [ch139]

surface structures [ch139 Figure1] [ch139 ¶1]

toxins [ch139 ¶17]

Bacterial colony count, in diarrhea [ch42 ¶49]

Bacterial infections [sc4ch139]


[see also: individual infections and organisms]

actinomycosis [ch168]

anaerobic [ch169]

cholecystitis [ch302 ¶46]

colonization [ch139 ¶9-¶12]

cultures [ch121 ¶18]

diarrhea [ch42 ¶13] [ch42 ¶14]

esophagitis [ch283 ¶53]

glomerular disease [ch275 ¶58-¶61] [ch275 Table2]

gram-negative [sc6ch149]

Bartonella [ch165]

brucellosis [ch162]

Campylobacter [ch160]

cat-scratch disease [ch165]

cholera [ch161]

cocci [ch151]

donovanosis (granuloma inguinale) [ch166]

enteric bacilli [ch155]

gonococcal [ch150]

Haemophilus influenzae [ch152]

Helicobacter [ch156]

Legionella [ch153]

meningococcal [ch149]

Moraxella catarrhalis [ch151]

pertussis [ch154]

plague [ch164]

Pseudomonas [ch157]

salmonellosis [ch158]

shigellosis [ch159]

tularemia [ch163]

Vibrio [ch161]

Yersinia [ch164]

gram-positive [sc5ch141]

anthrax [ch144]

botulism [ch147]

clostridial [ch146] [ch147] [ch148]

corynebacterial [ch144]

diphtheria [ch144]

gas gangrene [ch148]

Listeria monocytogenes [ch145]

pneumococcal [ch141]

staphylococcal [ch142]

streptococcal and enterococcal [ch143]

tetanus [ch146]

in HIV disease [ch308 ¶167-¶180]


[see also: individual bacteria]

host response [ch139 ¶22-¶23]

isolation [ch121 ¶18]

laboratory diagnosis


[see also: Infectious diseases, laboratory diagnosis]

in liver transplantation [ch301 ¶15]

lymphadenopathy in [ch61 Table1]


acute [ch377 ¶1-¶39]

chronic [ch378 Table2]

molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis [ch139]

cell wall structure [ch139 ¶2-¶8]

colonization [ch139 ¶9-¶12]

components of disease process [ch139 ¶16-¶23]

tissue invasion and tropism [ch139 ¶13-¶15]

myocarditis [ch239 ¶36]

nausea/vomiting from gastrointestinal [ch41 ¶10]

nocardiosis [ch167]

oral mucosa [ch31 Table1]

pharyngitis [ch30 ¶47-¶48]

in pregnancy [ch7 ¶52-¶57]

prophylaxis [ch140 ¶127-¶132]


[see also: treatment below]

and reactive arthritis [ch317 ¶43-¶45]

sinusitis [ch30 ¶8-¶18]

acute [ch30 ¶8-¶11]

chronic [ch30 ¶12-¶15]

complications [ch30 ¶16]

skin ulcers [ch57 ¶114]

splenectomy and [ch61 ¶44]

tissue invasion [ch139 ¶13-¶14]

tissue tropism [ch139 ¶15]

from transfusions [ch115 ¶66-¶68]

treatment [ch140]


[see also: Antibacterial agents]

adverse reactions [ch140 ¶90-¶119]

choice of agents [ch140 ¶65-¶89]

costs and inappropriate use [ch140 ¶130-¶132]

drug interactions [ch140 ¶120-¶126]

mechanism of action [ch140 ¶3-¶25]

mechanism of resistance [ch140 ¶26-¶41]

pharmacokinetics [ch140 ¶42-¶50]

principles [ch140 ¶51-¶64]


B *Babesidiobolus -- Bacterial infections -- Bacterial overgrowth syndrome -- Basal cell carcinoma Basal cell epitheliomas -- Bell's palsy Bell's phenomenon -- Betaxolol Bethanechol -- Billroth I procedure Billroth II procedure -- Bladder cancer Bladder dysfunction -- Bone marrow transplantation -- Borderline personality -- Brain abscess -- Brain biopsy -- Bronchocentric granulomatosis Bronchodilators, for bronchitis/emphysema -- Bullous pemphigoid (BP) Bullous photosensitivity, drug-induced -- Byssinosis

B Cell Disorders


Bacillary Angiomatosis

Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome


Bacteroides Infections


Balanitis Circumscripta Plasmacellularis

Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans


Barbiturate Poisoning


Barrett's Esophagus

Barrett's Ulcer


Bartter's Syndrome

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Becker's Melanosis

Bee Stings

Behcet's Syndrome

Behçet's Disease

Benign Pigmented Purpura (Pigmented Purpuric Eruptions, Schamberg's Disease)

Benign Neoplasm of the Small Intestine

Benign Gastric Tumors

Benzodiazepine Poisoning

Beriberi (Thiamine Deficiency)

Berloque Dermatitis


Bile Duct Tumors

Bile Duct Strictures

Biliary Obstruction

Biliary Colic

Biliary Trauma

Biliary Cirrhosis

Biliary Disease

Bilirubin, Impaired Excretion

Bilirubin, Impaired Conjugation

Bipolar Affective Disorders

Bites, Venomous

Black Heel (Calcaneal Petechiae)


Bleach Poisoning

Bloom's Syndrome (Congenital Telangiectatic Erythema)

Blue Nevi

Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome

Boerhaave's Syndrome

Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever

Bone Marrow Failure

Bornholm Disease




Bowel-Associated Dermatosis-Arthritic Syndrome (Bowel Bypass Syndrome)

Bowen's Disease

Bowenoid Papulosis


Brain Abscess

Branchial Cleft Cyst

Breast Cancer

Brodie's Abscess




Bubonic Plague

Budd-Chiari Syndrome

Buerger's Disease (Thromboangiitis Obliterans)


Bullous Disease of Dialysis

Bullous Pemphigoid

Bullous Disease of Diabetes

Burkitt's Lymphoma

Burn Wound Infections

Buruli Ulcer (M. Ulcerans)