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Medical Library. Full Text Journals Medical Books Online. Physicians Drug Reference
Color Atlas of Skin Diseases
C *CA 19-9 -- Cancer -- Cancrum oris (noma) -- Capnocytophaga ochracea Capnocytophaga sputigena -- Carcinoma(s) Carcinoma -- Cardiac output Cardiac performance, control of -- Cardinal manifestations and presentation of disease Cardiobacterium hominis -- Cardiovascular disease Cardiovascular system -- Cefuroxime -- Celiac catheterization, for pancreatic disease -- Central nervous system -- Central venous access, for parenteral nutrition -- Cervical spondylosis Cervicitis, mucopurulent (MPC) -- Chemoprevention, of cancer Chemoreceptor trigger zone -- Chemotherapy Chenodeoxycholate (CDCA) -- Chlamydial infections Chlamydia pneumoniae -- Chloroquine Chlorothiazide, for heart failure -- Cholera (Vibrio cholerae) Cholera vaccine -- Chromatin Chromium -- Cidofovir Cigar smoking -- Cirrhosis Cisapride -- Clonidine Cloning -- Coagulation disorders Coagulation factor(s) -- Cognitive dysfunction Cognitive evoked potentials -- Colon cancer Colonic diverticula -- Complement pathway Complement system -- Congenital heart disease Congenital muscular dystrophy -- Copolymer I (COP-I), for multiple sclerosis Copper -- Cortisol Cortisol-binding globulin (CGB; transcortin) -- Cranial nerves Cranial neuralgias -- Cryptococcosis (Cryptococcus neoformans) Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis -- Cyanosis Cyclic AMP response element binding (CREB) -- Cystic fibrosis Cystic teratomas, and chronic anovulation -- Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Cytosine arabinoside -- Cytotoxins
CA 19-9 [ch81 Table3]
and pancreatic cancer
CA 125 [ch81 Table3] [ch99 ¶8] [ch99 ¶10] [ch99 ¶21] [ch101 ¶9]
for ovarian cancer [ch82 ¶50]
[see: Tumor necrosis factor ]
Cache Valley virus [ch200 ¶23]
in cancer [ch81 ¶41]
in heart failure [ch233 ¶44]
Cacosmia [ch28 ¶8]
Cadherins, and cancer invasion [ch85 ¶11-¶12]
Cadmium poisoning [ch397 ¶37-¶41]
clinical toxicology [ch397 ¶39]
laboratory findings [ch397 ¶40]
and lung disease [ch254 Table1]
metabolism [ch397 ¶38]
source [ch397 ¶37]
treatment [ch397rx4]
Café au lait spots [ch57 ¶40] [ch375 ¶57]
Calabar swellings [ch223 ¶34]
Calciferol [ch353 ¶49]
[see also: Vitamin D]
Calcific tendinitis [ch326 ¶75]
cutis [ch57 ¶68]
metastatic [ch57 ¶68]
tumor [ch353 ¶26]
Calcitonin [ch353 ¶77-¶84]
catecholamines and [ch70 ¶49]
for hypercalcemia [ch102 ¶12] [ch354 ¶127]
measurement, in diarrhea [ch42 ¶52]
for osteoporosis [ch355 ¶33]
for Paget's disease [ch358 ¶15-¶16]
as tumor marker [ch81 Table3]
Calcitriol [ch353 ¶49]
for rickets/osteomalacia [ch355 ¶66]
absorption [ch285 ¶24] [ch285 Table2]
and cardiac activation [ch232 Figure4] [ch232 ¶8-¶9]
[see also: Hypocalcemia]
pathophysiology [ch353 ¶19-¶20]
dietary intake [ch353 ¶14]
disorders [ch354]
in pregnancy [ch7 ¶37]
endogenous fecal [ch353 ¶15]
[see also: Hypercalcemia]
pathophysiology [ch353 ¶19-¶20]
excretion [ch353 ¶15-¶16]
G protein and [ch83 ¶26]
and heart failure [ch232 ¶57]
and hypertension [ch246 ¶12]
idiopathic lithiasis [ch279 ¶31]
in illness [ch73 Table1]
malabsorption test [ch285 ¶35]
metabolism [ch353 Figure2] [ch353 ¶11-¶20]
for osteoporosis [ch355 ¶31-¶32] [ch355 Table2]
recommended dietary allowance (RDA) [ch72 Table1]
regenerative release [ch232 ¶8]
in renal failure, chronic (CRF) [ch271 Figure2] [ch271 ¶5] [ch271 ¶20-¶24]
Calcium carbonate, for duodenal ulcers [ch284 ¶64]
Calcium channel, disorders of muscle [ch383 ¶128-¶132]
Calcium channel blockers
antiarrhythmic dosages [ch231 Table5]
antiarrhythmic effects of [ch231 Table2]
and continence [ch9 Table4]
for diarrhea [ch42 ¶54]
for hypertension [ch246 ¶71] [ch246 ¶72]
dosages and side effects [ch246 Table4]
for myocardial infarction [ch243 ¶65]
for myocardial ischemia [ch244 ¶57] [ch244 ¶59] [ch244 Table1]
poisoning/overdosage [ch391 ¶85-¶89]
diagnosis [ch391 ¶88]
toxicity [ch391 ¶87]
treatment [ch391rx9]
for pulmonary hypertension [ch260 ¶19]
for Raynaud's phenomenon [ch248 ¶52] [ch314 ¶44]
Calcium hydroxyapatite (HA) deposition disease [ch323 ¶1] [ch323 ¶9-¶14]
clinical manifestations [ch323 ¶11]
diagnosis [ch323 Figure2] [ch323 ¶12-¶13]
pathogenesis [ch323 ¶9-¶10] [ch323 Table2]
treatment [ch323 ¶14]
Calcium infusion test, in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome [ch284 ¶175]
Calcium oxalate (CaOx) deposition disease [ch323 ¶1] [ch323 ¶15-¶19] [ch349 ¶50-¶55]
clinical manifestations [ch323 Figure3] [ch323 ¶17-¶18]
hyperoxaluria of [ch349 ¶50-¶55]
pathogenesis [ch323 ¶15-¶16]
treatment [ch323 ¶19]
Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) disease [ch323 ¶1] [ch323 ¶2-¶8]
clinical manifestations [ch323 Figure1] [ch323 ¶4-¶7]
pathogenesis [ch323 ¶2-¶3] [ch323 Table1] [ch323 Table2]
treatment [ch323rx1]
Calcium stones [ch268 ¶24]
renal [ch279 ¶1-¶2] [ch279 Table1]
[see also: Nephrolithiasis]
distal renal tubular acidosis [ch279 ¶26]
hyperoxaluria [ch279 ¶27-¶28]
treatment [ch279rx3]
hyperuricosuria [ch279 ¶25]
hypocitrauria [ch279 ¶29-¶30]
treatment [ch279rx4]
idiopathic calcium lithiasis [ch279 ¶31]
idiopathic hypercalciuria [ch279 ¶22]
treatment [ch279rx2]
Calculi (stones)
[see: Choledocholithiasis]
[see: Gallstones]
periodontal [ch31 ¶7]
[see: Nephrolithiasis]
urinary bladder
Crohn's disease and [ch286 ¶32]
and Paget's disease [ch358 ¶9]
and voiding dysfunction [ch48 ¶8]
Caliciviridae [ch182 Figure1] [ch182 Table1]
Caliciviruses [ch194 ¶13-¶19]
clinical immunity [ch194 ¶18]
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention [ch194 ¶19]
epidemiology [ch194 ¶14]
manifestations [ch194 ¶17]
pathophysiology [ch194 ¶16]
California virus encephalitis [ch200 ¶44-¶48] [ch379 ¶40] [ch379 Table6]
Caloric restriction
aging and [ch9 ¶6]
for hypertension [ch246 ¶55]
Calovo virus [ch200 ¶23]
Calymmatobacterium granulomatosis [ch166]
[see also: Donovanosis]
Camptothecin, for cancer [ch86 ¶66]
Campylobacter [ch160]
arthritis [ch324 ¶35]
clinical manifestations [ch160 ¶9-¶10]
complications [ch160 ¶11-¶13]
defined [ch160 ¶1]
diarrhea [ch42 ¶17] [ch128 ¶24]
differential diagnosis [ch160 ¶15]
epidemiology [ch160 ¶3-¶5]
and HIV disease [ch160 ¶4] [ch160 ¶12] [ch308 ¶176] [ch308 ¶178] [ch308 ¶234]
travel and [ch123 ¶31]
laboratory findings [ch160 ¶14]
microbiology [ch160 ¶2]
logy [ch160 ¶6-¶8]
polyneuropathy [ch381 ¶36]
prognosis [ch160 ¶18]
treatment [ch160rx1]
Campylobacter coli [ch160 ¶2] [ch160 Table1]
Campylobacter fetus [ch160 ¶2] [ch160 Table1]
clinical manifestations [ch160 ¶9-¶10]
Campylobacter hyointestinalis [ch160 Table1]
Campylobacter jejuni [ch160]
[see also: Campylobacter]
differential diagnosis [ch286 ¶44]
and GI bleeding [ch44 ¶18]
Campylobacter lari [ch160 ¶2] [ch160 Table1]
Campylobacter sputorum [ch160 Table1]
Campylobacter upsaliensis [ch160 ¶2] [ch160 Table1]
Camurati-Engelman disease [ch359 ¶16]
[see also: Neoplasia and individual organ tumors]
adrenal insufficiency and [ch104 ¶52]
airway obstruction and [ch104 ¶39]
approach to the patient [ch81]
Ball's disease and [ch104 ¶37]
biliary obstruction and [ch104 ¶18-¶19]
breast [ch91]
cachexia in [ch81 ¶41]
cardiac [ch241 ¶1-¶14]
cell biology [ch83]
C protein-linked receptors [ch83 ¶23-¶27] [ch83 Table2]
cytoskeleton and cell adhesion [ch83 ¶39-¶42]
enzyme-linked receptors [ch83 Figure3] [ch83 Figure4] [ch83 ¶28-¶38]
principles of cell cycle regulation [ch83 Figure1] [ch83 Figure2] [ch83 ¶7-¶16] [ch83 Table1]
regulation of cell death [ch83 ¶43-¶46]
regulation of gene transcription [ch83 ¶47-¶50]
signaling from outside cell to the nucleus [ch83 ¶17-¶38]
[see: Chemotherapy]
chromosomal translocations [ch81 ¶6] [ch84 Table4]
clinical staging [ch81 ¶10]
clonal nature of [ch84 ¶1]
clostridial sepsis and [ch148 ¶33]
long-term [ch81 ¶25-¶27]
treatment [ch81 ¶19-¶24]
defined [ch83 ¶1]
defining extent of disease [ch81 ¶9-¶15]
diagnosis [ch81 ¶6-¶8]
effusions from [ch81 ¶37-¶40]
emergencies [ch104]
in acute promyelocytic leukemia treatment [ch104 ¶75]
adrenal insufficiency [ch104 ¶52]
airway obstruction [ch104 ¶39]
Ball's disease [ch104 ¶37]
hemolytic-uremic syndrome [ch104 ¶60-¶64]
hemoptysis [ch104 ¶38]
hemorrhagic cystitis [ch104 ¶74]
hypercalcemia [ch104 ¶40-¶45]
hypoglycemia [ch104 ¶51]
increased intracranial pressure [ch104 ¶31-¶34]
intestinal obstruction [ch104 ¶12-¶14]
lactic acidosis [ch104 ¶50]
malignant biliary obstruction [ch104 ¶18-¶19]
metabolic [ch104 ¶40-¶53]
neutropenia and infection [ch104 ¶65]
pericardial effusion/tamponade [ch104 ¶9-¶11]
pulmonary infiltrates [ch104 ¶66-¶72]
seizures [ch104 ¶35-¶36]
SIADH [ch104 ¶46-¶49]
spinal cord compression [ch104 ¶20-¶29]
structural-obstructive [ch104 ¶2-¶39]
superior vena cava syndrome [ch104 ¶2-¶8]
treatment-related [ch104 ¶54-¶76]
tumor-lysis syndrome [ch104 ¶54-¶59]
typhlitis [ch104 ¶73]
urinary obstruction [ch104 ¶15-¶17]
end-of-life decisions [ch81 ¶50]
epidemiology [ch81 ¶2]
Epstein-Barr virus and [ch186 ¶20-¶21]
familial predisposition to [ch81 ¶5]
fever and [ch125 ¶10] [ch125 Table3]
gastrointestinal tract [ch92]
endocrine tumors [ch95]
genetics [ch84]
acquired mutations [ch84 Figure6] [ch84 ¶21-¶22] [ch84 Table3]
chromosomal alterations [ch84 Figure11] [ch84 ¶30-¶34] [ch84 Table4]
classes of cancer genes [ch84 ¶6-¶8]
complex inherited forms [ch84 Figure5] [ch84 ¶15-¶18]
DNA amplification [ch84 Figure9] [ch84 Figure10] [ch84 ¶27-¶29]
epigenetic regulation of gene expression [ch84 ¶35-¶36]
future research [ch84 ¶37-¶39]
mechanisms of somatic mutation of oncogenes [ch84 ¶25-¶34]
Mendelian syndromes [ch84 Figure1] [ch84 Figure2] [ch84 Figure3] [ch84 Figure4] [ch84 ¶9-¶14] [ch84 Table1] [ch84 Table2]
multistep basis of cancer [ch84 Figure7] [ch84 Figure8] [ch84 ¶23]
point mutation [ch84 ¶26]
RNA and DNA tumor viruses [ch84 ¶4]
testing and counseling [ch84 ¶19]
glomerular disease and [ch275 ¶63-¶64]
gynecologic [ch99]
head and neck [ch89]
hemolytic-uremic syndrome and [ch104 ¶60-¶64]
hemoptysis and [ch104 ¶38]
hemorrhagic cystitis and [ch104 ¶74]
hepatobiliary tract [ch93]
hypercalcemia and [ch104 ¶40-¶45]
hypoglycemia and [ch104 ¶51]
incidence [ch81 Figure1]
increased intracranial pressure and [ch104 ¶31-¶34]
infections and [ch87]
abnormalities that predispose to [ch87 ¶38-¶40]
antibacterial therapy for [ch87 ¶41-¶47]
antibiotic prophylaxis [ch87 ¶56]
antifungal therapy for [ch87 ¶48-¶49]
brain abscess [ch87 ¶24]
cardiovascular [ch87 ¶33]
catheter-related [ch87 ¶13-¶14]
central nervous system-specific syndromes [ch87 ¶22-¶24]
Clostridium difficile diarrhea [ch87 ¶21]
encephalitis [ch87 ¶23]
endocrine syndromes [ch87 ¶34]
gastrointestinal tract-specific syndromes [ch87 ¶15-¶21]
granulocyte transfusions for [ch87 ¶50-¶52]
hematopoietic disorders and [ch87 ¶39-¶40]
lower GI [ch87 ¶19]
lymphoid disorders and [ch87 ¶38]
musculoskeletal [ch87 ¶35]
predisposition [ch87 ¶2] [ch87 Table1]
prevention [ch87 ¶53-¶58]
pulmonary [ch87 ¶25-¶32] [ch87 Table5]
renal and ureteral [ch87 ¶36-¶37]
skin-specific syndromes [ch87 ¶7-¶12]
splenectomy and [ch87 ¶4] [ch87 Table2]
treatment [ch87 ¶41-¶52]
typhlitis [ch87 ¶20]
upper GI [ch87 ¶15-¶18]
vaccination and [ch87 ¶57-¶58]
intestinal obstruction and [ch104 ¶12-¶14]
invasion [ch85]
Karnofsky performance index [ch81 Table2]
lactic acidosis and [ch104 ¶50]
liver and biliary tract [ch93]
lung [ch90]
lymphoid cell malignancies [ch113]
management [ch81 ¶19-¶24]
metabolic emergencies [ch104 ¶40-¶53]
metastatic [ch85]
[see also: Metastases]
sites [ch81 ¶11] [ch85 Table1]
of unknown primary site [ch101]
mortality rates [ch81 Figure1] [ch81 Figure2] [ch81 ¶4]
nausea in [ch81 ¶33-¶36]
neoadjuvant therapy [ch81 ¶16]
neutropenia and infection in [ch104 ¶65]
nutritional care [ch81 ¶41-¶43]
pain in [ch81 ¶29-¶32]
pancreas [ch94]
endocrine tumors [ch95]
pathologic staging [ch81 ¶10]
patient management [ch81 ¶5-¶51]
pericardial effusion/tamponade and [ch104 ¶9-¶11]
pericarditis and [ch240 ¶30] [ch240 ¶36]
prevention and early detection [ch82]
prognosis [ch81 ¶9-¶15]
prostate [ch97]
psychosocial care [ch81 ¶44-¶45]
pulmonary infiltrates and [ch104 ¶66-¶72]
radiation therapy for [ch81 ¶16]
recurrence rates [ch81 ¶26]
renal and urinary tract [ch96]
renal parenchymal disease and [ch276 ¶26-¶28]
in renal transplantation [ch272 ¶58]
risk factors for [ch81 ¶3]
sarcomas [ch100]
seizures and [ch104 ¶35-¶36]
SIADH and [ch104 ¶46-¶49]
skin [ch88]
spinal cord compression and [ch104 ¶20-¶29]
staging [ch81 ¶10-¶12]
TNM [ch81 ¶12]
structural-obstructive emergencies [ch104 ¶2-¶39]
superior vena cava syndrome and [ch104 ¶2-¶8]
supportive care [ch81 ¶28-¶51]
death and dying [ch81 ¶47-¶49]
for effusions [ch81 ¶37-¶40]
end-of-life decisions [ch81 ¶50]
for nausea [ch81 ¶33-¶36]
nutritional [ch81 ¶41-¶43]
for pain [ch81 ¶29-¶32]
psychosocial [ch81 ¶44-¶45]
surgical therapy for [ch81 ¶16]
testicular [ch98]
treatment [ch86]
complications [ch81 ¶19-¶24]
of infections [ch87 ¶41-¶52]
long-term follow-up [ch81 ¶25-¶27]
plans [ch81 ¶16]
treatment-related emergencies [ch104 ¶54-¶76]
tumor burden [ch81 ¶12]
tumor-lysis syndrome and [ch104 ¶54-¶59]
tumor markers [ch81 ¶22] [ch81 Table3]
typhlitis and [ch104 ¶73]
of unknown primary site (CUPS) [ch101]
[see also: Metastases, of unknown primary site]
urinary obstruction and [ch104 ¶15-¶17]
viral infections and [ch182 ¶32]
C *CA 19-9 -- Cancer -- Cancrum oris (noma) -- Capnocytophaga ochracea Capnocytophaga sputigena -- Carcinoma(s) Carcinoma -- Cardiac output Cardiac performance, control of -- Cardinal manifestations and presentation of disease Cardiobacterium hominis -- Cardiovascular disease Cardiovascular system -- Cefuroxime -- Celiac catheterization, for pancreatic disease -- Central nervous system -- Central venous access, for parenteral nutrition -- Cervical spondylosis Cervicitis, mucopurulent (MPC) -- Chemoprevention, of cancer Chemoreceptor trigger zone -- Chemotherapy Chenodeoxycholate (CDCA) -- Chlamydial infections Chlamydia pneumoniae -- Chloroquine Chlorothiazide, for heart failure -- Cholera (Vibrio cholerae) Cholera vaccine -- Chromatin Chromium -- Cidofovir Cigar smoking -- Cirrhosis Cisapride -- Clonidine Cloning -- Coagulation disorders Coagulation factor(s) -- Cognitive dysfunction Cognitive evoked potentials -- Colon cancer Colonic diverticula -- Complement pathway Complement system -- Congenital heart disease Congenital muscular dystrophy -- Copolymer I (COP-I), for multiple sclerosis Copper -- Cortisol Cortisol-binding globulin (CGB; transcortin) -- Cranial nerves Cranial neuralgias -- Cryptococcosis (Cryptococcus neoformans) Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis -- Cyanosis Cyclic AMP response element binding (CREB) -- Cystic fibrosis Cystic teratomas, and chronic anovulation -- Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Cytosine arabinoside -- Cytotoxins
C-1 Esterase Deficiency
C-11 Hydroxylase Deficiency
Cadmium Poisoning
Calcinosis Cutis
Campylobacter Infections
Candidiasis (Mucosal)
Cannabis Compound Abuse
Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus
Carcinoid Tumor, Pancreatic
Carcinoid Tumor, Intestinal
Carcinoma of the Ampulla of Vater
Cardiac Neoplasms, Primary
Cardiac Sarcoma
Cardiac Rhabdomyoma
Cardiac Lipoma
Cardiac Amyloidosis
Cardiac Tamponade
Cardiac Hemangioma
Cardiac Fibroma
Cardiac Death, Sudden
Cardiac Cirrhosis
Cardiac Arrest
Cardiogenic Shock
Cardiomyopathy, Diabetic
Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic
Cardiovascular Collapse
Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity
Cat Scratch Disease
Caustic Ingestion
Cavernous Hemangioma
Celiac Sprue
Cervical Cancer
Cestode Diseases
Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis)
Charcot-Leyden Crystal
Cheese Washer's Lung
Cheilitis Granulomatosa (Miescher-Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome)
Chemical Worker's Lung
Cherry Hemangioma
Chest Pain
Chikungunya Viral Arthritis
CHILD Syndrome
Chlamydia Pneumonia
Chlamydial Genitourinary Infections
Chlorphenesin Poisoning
Choanal Atresia
Cholecystopathy, Acalculous
Cholecystosis, Hypertrophic
Choledochal Cysts
Cholesterol Granuloma
Chondrodermatitis Nodularis Helicis
Chondromas of Skin and Soft Tissue
Choriocarcinoma, Testicular
Christmas Disease (Hemophilia Type B)
Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia
Chronic Gastric Ulcer
Chronic Active Hepatitis
Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Chronic Renal Failure
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Churg-Strauss Syndrome (Allergic Granulomatosis)
Churilov's Disease (Hemorrhagic Fever)
Chyle Fistula
Chylous Ascites
Cicatricial Pemphigoid
Cirrhosis, Postviral
Cirrhosis, Cryptogenic
Clostridial Cholecystitis
Clostridial Necrotizing Fasciitis
Clostridial Gas Gangrene
Clostridium Difficile Colitis
CMV Esophagitis
CMV Retinitis
CMV Colitis
CMV Hepatitis
CMV Pneumonia
Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis
Cocaine Abuse and Poisoning
Coffee Worker's Lung
Cold Agglutinin Immune Hemolysis
Cold Hemoglobinuria, Paroxysmal
Cold Agglutinin Disease
Colloid Milium
Colon Cancer, Adenocarcinoma
Colonic Polyps
Colonic Obstruction
Colorado Tick Fever
Complement Deficiencies
Complement Component 1 Inhibitor Deficiency
Complex IV Deficiency
Complex II Deficiency
Complications of Dermatologic Laser Surgery
Compost Lung
Cone Shell Poisoning
Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis
Congenitally Corrected Transposition
Conn's Syndrome
Connective Tissue Nevus
Contact Dermatitis (Irritant)
Contact Dermatitis (Allergic)
Cooley's Anemia
Coproporphyria, Hereditary
Cor Pulmonale
Cor Triatriatum
Coral Wounds and Stings
Coronary Artery Vasospasm
Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis
Coronary Artery Anomalies
Corpus Luteum Rupture
Corrosive Gastritis
Corynebacterium Infections
Cowden's Disease (Multiple Hamartoma Syndrome)
Cowpox Infection (Human)
Crest Syndrome
Crigler-Nijjar Syndrome
Crohn's Disease
Cryoimmunoglobulinemia, Essential Mixed
Cushing's Syndrome
Cushing's Ulcer
Cutaneous Horn
Cutaneous Laser Resurfacing
Cutaneous Larva Migrans
Cutaneous Larva Migrans
Cutaneous CD30+ (Ki-1) Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma
Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma
Cutaneous Horn
Cutaneous Laser Resurfacing
Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma
Cutaneous Larva Migrans
Cutaneous Laser Resurfacing
Cutaneous CD30+ (Ki-1) Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma
Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma
Cutis Laxa (Elastolysis)
Cyanide Poisoning
Cyclobenzaprine Poisoning
Cyclooxygenase Deficiency
Cystadenomas, Hepatic
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystosarcoma Phyllodes
Cytochrome B5 Reductase Deficiency
Cytochrome P-450 Deficiency
Cytochrome C Oxidase Deficiency