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Medical Library. Full Text Journals Medical Books Online. Physicians Drug Reference
E *EAP gene -- Eisenmenger syndrome -- Ejaculation -- Electrocardiography (ECG) Electrodessication -- Empyema Enalapril, for hypertension -- Endocarditis Endocochlear potential -- Endophthalmitis Endorphins -- Enterococcal infections Enterococci, classification -- Eosinophilia Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome -- Epiretinal membrane Epirubicin, for cancer -- Erythema multiforme (Stevens-Johnson syndrome) -- Erythema nodosum -- Estrogen(s) Estrone -- Exercise Exfoliative dermatitis -- Eye movements
EAP gene [ch84 Table4]
age-related changes in [ch9 Table1]
drug-induced disorders [ch69 Table1]
infections [ch30 ¶23-¶41]
[see also: specific infections]
swimmer's [ch30 ¶26]
Eastern equine encephalitis [ch200 ¶42] [ch200 ¶60-¶61] [ch200 Table3] [ch379 ¶40] [ch379 Table6]
myelitis [ch379 ¶42]
[see: under Nutrition]
Eating disorders
among adolescents [ch8 ¶40]
anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa [ch76]
obesity and [ch75]
Eaton-Lambert myasthenic syndrome
and lung cancer [ch63 ¶9] [ch90 ¶15]
ophthalmoplegia [ch28 ¶101]
Ebola virus [ch201] [ch120 ¶2] [ch200 Table4]
clinical manifestations [ch201 ¶9-¶10]
diagnosis [ch201 ¶12]
epidemiology [ch201 ¶3-¶7]
laboratory findings [ch201 ¶11]
microbiology [ch201 ¶2]
pathology [ch201 ¶8]
travel and [ch123 ¶47]
treatment [ch201rx1]
Ebstein's anomaly [ch235 ¶62]
[see: Epstein-Barr virus]
E-cadherin [ch85 ¶12]
Ecchymoses [ch18 ¶3]
[see: Electrocardiography]
Echinococcosis [ch225 ¶19-¶28] [ch302 ¶80]
[see also: Hydatid cysts]
arthritis [ch324 ¶34]
clinical manifestations [ch225 ¶22-¶24]
diagnosis [ch213 Table1] [ch225 ¶25-¶26]
epidemiology [ch212 ¶4]
etiology [ch225 ¶20-¶21]
life cycle [ch213 Table1] [ch225 ¶20]
prevention [ch225 ¶28]
scolices [ch225 ¶20]
travel and [ch212 ¶3]
treatment [ch214 Table1] [ch225rx3]
angina pectoris [ch244 ¶26]
aortic dissection [ch247 Figure2] [ch247 ¶19]
aortic regurgitation [ch237 ¶114]
aortic stenosis [ch237 ¶81]
atrial septal defect [ch231 ¶25]
cardiac tumors [ch241 ¶13]
dilated [ch239 ¶5]
hypertrophic [ch239 ¶15] [ch239 ¶18]
coarctation of the aorta [ch235 ¶48]
cor pulmonale [ch238 ¶18] [ch238 ¶31]
endocarditis [ch126 ¶41]
heart failure [ch233 ¶47]
hypertension [ch35 ¶15]
mitral regurgitation [ch34 ¶9] [ch237 ¶45]
mitral stenosis [ch237 ¶22]
mitral valve prolapse [ch237 ¶57]
myocardial infarction [ch243 ¶24]
myocarditis, Chagas' disease [ch239 ¶37]
myxomas [ch241 ¶6]
pericardial effusion [ch240 ¶7]
pulmonary stenosis with intact ventricular septum [ch235 ¶53]
pulmonary thromboembolism [ch261 ¶29]
tetralogy of Fallot [ch235 ¶66]
tricuspid regurgitation [ch237 ¶131]
ventricular septal defect [ch235 ¶33]
Echo-planar MR imaging [ch362 Figure5] [ch362 Figure5] [ch362 ¶18-¶20]
Echoviruses [ch195 ¶1] [ch195 ¶26-¶38]
exanthems [ch57 ¶58] [ch195 ¶35]
manifestations [ch195 Table2]
meningitis [ch378 Table2]
rash of [ch18 ¶8] [ch18 Table1]
type 9 infection [ch195 ¶26] [ch195 ¶34]
rash of [ch18 ¶20]
Eclampsia [ch7 ¶4] [ch246 ¶84] [ch277 ¶34-¶37]
treatment [ch7rx1]
Econazole [ch202 ¶7]
for candidiasis [ch55 ¶45] [ch207 ¶14]
for dermatophytosis [ch55 ¶39]
Ecthyma [ch55 ¶35]
Ecthyma gangrenosum
in burns [ch135 ¶28]
in cancer patients [ch87 ¶7]
Pseudomonas aeruginosa [ch157 ¶19] [ch157 ¶43]
purpura [ch57 ¶110]
rash of [ch18 ¶17] [ch18 Table1]
Ectoparasites [ch393 ¶2-¶31]
chiggers and other mites [ch393 ¶9-¶12]
defined [ch393 ¶1]
delusional infestations [ch393 ¶31]
fleas and tungiasis [ch393 ¶20-¶22]
leeches [ch393 ¶29-¶30]
myiasis [ch393 ¶23-¶27]
pediculosis (lice) [ch393 ¶15-¶19]
pentastomiasis [ch393 ¶28]
sarcoptic mange (animal scabies) [ch393 ¶8]
scabies [ch393 ¶2-¶7]
ticks [ch393 ¶13-¶14]
Ectopic thyroid tissue [ch331 ¶126]
Ectropion [ch28 ¶30]
Eczema [ch55 ¶1]
[see also: Dermatitis]
asteotic (xerotic) [ch55 ¶18]
[see: Atopic dermatitis]
drug-induced [ch69 Table1]
dyshidrotic [ch54 Table3] [ch55 ¶13]
hand [ch55 ¶13-¶15]
treatment [ch55rx1]
nummular [ch55 ¶16]
Eczematoid dermatitis, and malabsorption [ch285 ¶67]
Edema [ch37]
of acute glomerulonephritis [ch37 ¶32]
in aldosteronism [ch332 ¶106]
approach to the patient [ch37ap1]
arginine vasopressin and [ch37 ¶15]
capillary damage and [ch37 ¶6]
of cirrhosis [ch37 ¶10] [ch37 ¶33]
clinical causes of [ch37 ¶19-¶21]
in congestive heart failure [ch37 Figure2] [ch37 ¶10] [ch37 ¶21] [ch37 ¶30]
defined [ch37 ¶1]
differential diagnosis [ch37 ¶28-¶39] [ch233 ¶48] [ch330 ¶73]
distribution of [ch37 ¶36]
drug-induced [ch69 Table1]
endothelin and [ch37 ¶15]
localized [ch37 ¶29]
natriuretic peptides and [ch37 ¶17]
of nephrotic syndrome [ch37 ¶10] [ch37 ¶31]
of nutritional origin [ch37 ¶34]
from obstruction of venous (and) lymphatic drainage [ch37 Figure2] [ch37 ¶19-¶20]
pathogenesis [ch37 ¶3-¶7]
"pitting" [ch37 ¶2]
[see: Pulmonary edema]
reduced cardiac output and [ch37 ¶9]
reduction of effective arterial volume and [ch37 Figure1] [ch37 ¶8-¶18]
refeeding [ch37 ¶34]
renal factors in [ch37 Figure1] [ch37 ¶10]
of renal failure [ch37 ¶10] [ch37 ¶32]
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and [ch37 ¶12-¶14]
Starling forces and [ch37 ¶4]
treatment [ch37rx1]
Edetate (EDTA) [ch397 ¶4]
Edinger-Westphal nuclei [ch28 ¶3]
Edrophonium, testing in myasthenia gravis [ch382 ¶10]
behavioral risk factors by [ch4 Table5]
smoking rates by [ch4 Table4]
Edwardsiella [ch155 ¶2]
Eflornithine [ch214 ¶10]
for Pneumocystis carinii [ch308 ¶154]
for sleeping sickness [ch218 ¶32] [ch218 ¶35]
EF-4 organism [ch152 ¶60]
[see: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy]
Egophony [ch249 ¶15]
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) [ch348 ¶43-¶55] [ch348 Table4]
associated changes in [ch348 ¶48]
bleeding in [ch117 ¶42]
cardiovascular manifestations [ch226 ¶18]
aortic aneurysms [ch247 ¶10]
mitral valve prolapse [ch237 ¶51]
classification [ch348 ¶44] [ch348 Table4]
clinical features [ch348 Table4]
diagnosis [ch348 ¶54]
incidence [ch348 ¶45]
ligament and joint changes in [ch348 ¶47]
molecular defects in [ch348 ¶49-¶53]
purpura [ch57 ¶101]
skin in [ch348 ¶46]
treatment [ch348rx2]
Ehrlichia, taxonomy [ch179 ¶48-¶49]
Ehrlichia chaffeensis [ch179 Figure2] [ch179 ¶47]
Ehrlichia equi [ch179 ¶57]
Ehrlichia phagocytophila [ch179 ¶57]
Ehrlichioses [ch179 Figure2] [ch179 ¶47-¶62]
human granulocytic (HGE) [ch179 ¶56-¶62] [ch179 Table2]
clinical manifestations [ch179 ¶59]
diagnosis [ch179 ¶60]
epidemiology [ch179 ¶56-¶58]
treatment [ch179rx3]
human monocytic (HME) [ch179 ¶50-¶55] [ch179 Table2]
clinical manifestations [ch179 ¶51]
diagnosis [ch179 ¶52]
epidemiology [ch179 ¶50] [ch393 ¶13]
treatment [ch179rx2]
rash of [ch18 Table1]
Eicosanoids [ch38 ¶5]
8q-minus syndrome [ch66 ¶38]
Eikenella corrodens [ch152 ¶45-¶51]
[see also: HACEK organisms]
from bites [ch135 ¶3]
human [ch135 ¶13]
epidural abscess [ch377 ¶78]
periodontitis [ch31 ¶8]
Eisenmenger syndrome [ch235 ¶5] [ch235 ¶30] [ch235 ¶35]
cyanosis in [ch36 ¶35]
heart-lung transplantations for [ch234 ¶17] [ch267 ¶2] [ch267 ¶5]
hypoxia in [ch36 ¶5]
polycythemia in [ch36 ¶22]
in pregnancy [ch7 ¶22]
E *EAP gene -- Eisenmenger syndrome -- Ejaculation -- Electrocardiography (ECG) Electrodessication -- Empyema Enalapril, for hypertension -- Endocarditis Endocochlear potential -- Endophthalmitis Endorphins -- Enterococcal infections Enterococci, classification -- Eosinophilia Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome -- Epiretinal membrane Epirubicin, for cancer -- Erythema multiforme (Stevens-Johnson syndrome) -- Erythema nodosum -- Estrogen(s) Estrone -- Exercise Exfoliative dermatitis -- Eye movements
Eating Disorders
Ebola Virus
Ebstein-Barr Virus
Ebstein's Anomaly
Eccrine Poroma
Ectodermal Dysplasia
Ectopic Hormone Secretion
EDTA Poisoning
Eisenmenger's Syndrome
Ejaculation, Premature
Elastosis Perforans Serpiginosa
Elastosis Perforans Serpiginosum
Electrical Alternans
Electrical Injuries
Elliptocytosis, Hereditary
Emben-Meyerhof Pathway Defects
Embolism, Paradoxical
Embolism, Cholesterol
Embolism, Fat
Emphysematous Cholecystitis
Emphysematous Pyelonephritis
Empyema, Gallbladder
Empyema, Pleuropulmonary
Encephalopathy, Hypoglycemic
Encephalopathy, Hypertensive
Encephalopathy, Hepatic
Encephalopathy, Dialysis
Encephalopathy, Uremic
Endemic Syphilis (Bejel)
Endocardial Cushion Defects
Endocarditis, Infective
Endometrial Carcinoma
Endomyocardial Fibrosis
Enterobacter Infections
Enterobiasis (Pinworm)
Enterococcal Infections
Eosinophilic Gnathostomiasis
Eosinophilic Antritis
Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis
Eosinophilic Leukemia
Eosinophilic Myalgia Syndrome
Eosinophilic Toxocariasis
Eosinophilic Myositis
Eosinophilic Multifocal Granuloma
Eosinophilic Relapsing Perimyositis
Eosinophilic Granulomatosis (Histiocytosis X)
Eosinophilic Pneumonia
Eosinophilic Sparganosis
Eosinophilic Fasciitis
Eosinophilic Folliculitis
Eosinophilic Pustular Folliculitis
Eosinophilic Fascitis
Eosinophilic Pustular Folliculitis
Eosinophilic Cellulitis (Wells' Syndrome)
Eosinophilic Fascitis
Eosinophilic Cellulitis (Wells' Syndrome)
Eosinophilic Pustular Folliculitis
Ephedrine Poisoning
Ephelids (Freckles)
Epidermal Nevus (Linear Verrucous)
Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis
Epidermolysis Bullosa
Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita
Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis
Epididymal Tuberculosis
Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma, Hepatic
Epitheliomas, Basal Cell
Equine Infectious Anemia Virus
Eruptive Vellus Hair Cysts
Erythema Dyschromicum Perstans
Erythema Gyratum Repens
Erythema Multiforme (Steven-Johnson Syndrome)
Erythema Multiforme
Erythema Infectiosum (Fifth Disease)
Erythema Induratum (Nodular Vasculitis)
Erythema Elevatum Diutinum
Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum
Erythema Ab Igne
Erythema Dyschromicum Perstans
Erythema Induratum (Nodular Vasculitis)
Erythema Elevatum Diutinum
Erythema Gyratum Repens
Erythema Nodosum
Erythema Annulare Centrifugum
Erythema Nodosum
Erythema Multiforme
Erythema Annulare Centrifugum
Erythema Ab Igne
Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum
Erythema Dyschromicum Perstans
Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum
Erythema Elevatum Diutinum
Erythema Induratum (Nodular Vasculitis)
Erythema Infectiosum (Fifth Disease)
Erythema Annulare Centrifugum
Erythema Gyratum Repens
Erythema Ab Igne
Erythema Nodosum
Erythema Multiforme
Erythroderma (Generalized Exfoliative Dermatitis)
Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis
Erythroplasia of Queyrat (Bowen's Disease of the Glans Penis)
Erythropoietic Protoporphyria
Erythropoietic Porphyria, Congenital
Erythropoietic Porphyria
Escherichia coli Infections
Esophageal Leiomyoma
Esophageal Spasm
Esophageal Webs and Rings
Esophageal Diverticula
Esophageal Hematoma
Esophageal Lymphoma
Esophageal Stricture
Esophageal Motility Disorders
Esophageal Varices
Esophageal Cancer
Esophageal Rupture
Ethylene Glycol Poisoning
Eumycetoma (Fungal Mycetoma)
Euthyroid Sick Syndrome
Euthyroid Hyperthyroxinemia
Exophthalmos, Malignant
Extragonadal Germinal Cell Syndrome
Extramammary Paget's Disease
Extremity Vascular Trauma
Eyach Virus