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Medical Library. Full Text Journals Medical Books Online. Physicians Drug Reference
O *OA -- Oculomotor nucleus lesions Oculomotor palsies -- Onychomycosis, treatment O'nyong-nyong virus -- Oral mucosa diseases Oral ulcers, in cancer patients -- Osteoarthritis (OA) Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic (HOA) -- Osteons -- Osteopetrosis (Albers-Schönberg disease; marble bone disease) -- Ozone
[see: Osteoarthritis]
Oat cell carcinoma
[see: Small cell carcinoma]
Obesity [ch75] [ch43 ¶2-¶5]
abdominal swelling vs. [ch46 ¶2]
cardiovascular disease and [ch241 ¶20]
defined [ch75 ¶2-¶5]
drug-induced [ch75 Table5]
environmental factors in [ch75 ¶12]
fat cell and [ch75 ¶10]
genetic susceptibility [ch75 ¶7-¶9] [ch75 Table3] [ch75 Table4]
and insulin resistance [ch334 ¶145]
measurement [ch75 ¶2-¶5] [ch75 Table1] [ch75 Table2]
molecular biology [ch75 Table4]
and myocardial ischemia [ch244 ¶43] [ch244 ¶46]
nutrition intake and [ch75 Figure3] [ch75 Figure4] [ch75 Figure5] [ch75 ¶14-¶17] [ch75 Table6]
and osteoarthritis [ch75 ¶24] [ch322 ¶10] [ch322 ¶55]
pathogenesis [ch75 ¶7-¶17]
polycythemia in [ch36 ¶21]
predictors of [ch75 ¶16]
prevalence [ch75 Figure2] [ch75 ¶6]
risks associated with [ch75 Figure6] [ch75 ¶18-¶31]
cancer [ch75 ¶21]
cardiovascular disease [ch75 ¶19] [ch77 ¶7]
diabetes mellitus [ch75 ¶20]
endocrine system [ch75 ¶26-¶29]
fat topography and [ch75 ¶30]
gallbladder disease [ch75 ¶22]
joint and skin problems [ch75 ¶24]
pulmonary [ch75 ¶23]
weight cycling and intentional weight loss [ch75 ¶31]
substrate oxidation and [ch75 ¶14-¶17]
syndrome of hypothalamic [ch75 ¶13] [ch75 Table5]
treatment [ch75rx1]
behavior modification [ch75 ¶34]
diet [ch75 ¶35]
exercise [ch75 Figure8] [ch75 ¶37]
medications [ch75 ¶38] [ch75 Table7]
surgery [ch75 Figure10] [ch75 ¶40]
Object recognition, occipitotemporal network for [ch25 ¶36]
Obsessive-compulsive disorder [ch385 ¶30-¶34]
clinical manifestations [ch385 ¶30]
etiology and pathogenesis [ch385 ¶31-¶32]
treatment [ch385rx5]
Obsessive-compulsive personality [ch385 ¶97]
Occipitotemporal network for object recognition [ch25 ¶36]
Occupational exposures/hazards [ch5] [ch390]
[see also: Environmental hazards]
and asthma [ch252 ¶22-¶23]
biological markers for [ch5 ¶21]
and bronchitis/emphysema [ch258 ¶12] [ch258 ¶44]
building-related illnesses [ch390 ¶8]
defined [ch5 ¶6]
evaluation of [ch5 ¶9]
hazardous waste [ch390 ¶4-¶6]
for health care workers [ch2 ¶33]
history of [ch5 ¶7]
low level exposures [ch5 ¶224]
managing illnesses from [ch5 ¶22]
minimizing [ch10 ¶18]
presentations [ch5 ¶11-¶20]
and respiratory disease [ch249 ¶8] [ch254 ¶16-¶65]
assessment of disability [ch254 ¶55-¶56]
carcinogens [ch254 ¶63-¶65]
inorganic dusts [ch254 ¶16-¶43]
organic dusts [ch254 ¶44-¶54]
toxic chemicals [ch254 ¶57-¶62]
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) [ch5 ¶8]
Ochrobactrum anthropi [ch152 ¶59]
Ochronosis [ch349 ¶35-¶40]
Octopus, Australian blue-ringed [ch392 ¶29]
for acromegaly [ch328 ¶104]
for cancer [ch86 ¶128]
for carcinoids [ch95 ¶27] [ch95 Table3]
clinical uses [ch95 Table3]
for diarrhea [ch42 ¶54]
for pituitary adenomas [ch328 ¶198]
for short bowel syndrome [ch285 ¶42]
Ocular alignment [ch28 ¶15]
Ocular bobbing, and coma [ch24 ¶35]
Ocular changes, in osteogenesis imperfecta [ch348 ¶33]
Ocular deviation, conjugate horizontal, and coma [ch24 ¶39]
Ocular disease
[see: Eye(s), disorders of]
Ocular flutter [ch28 ¶113]
Ocular larva migrans [ch221 ¶12-¶17]
diagnosis [ch213 Table2] [ch221 ¶15-¶16]
pathogenesis and clinical features [ch221 ¶14]
treatment [ch221rx2]
Ocular motor nerve palsies, multiple [ch28 ¶101]
Ocular myoclonus [ch24 ¶39]
Ocular skew deviation [ch24 ¶34]
Oculocephalic response, in coma [ch24 ¶36]
Oculocutaneous albinism [ch57 ¶29]
genetics [ch65 ¶118]
platelet dysfunction in [ch117 ¶32]
Oculoglandular tularemia [ch163 ¶16]
Oculomotor apraxia [ch25 ¶33]
Oculomotor nucleus lesions [ch28 ¶91]
O *OA -- Oculomotor nucleus lesions Oculomotor palsies -- Onychomycosis, treatment O'nyong-nyong virus -- Oral mucosa diseases Oral ulcers, in cancer patients -- Osteoarthritis (OA) Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic (HOA) -- Osteons -- Osteopetrosis (Albers-Schönberg disease; marble bone disease) -- Ozone
O'nyong-Nyong Fever
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
Ogilvie's Syndrome
Omental Torsion
Opioid Abuse
Organophosphate Poisoning
Oroya Fever
Osler-Weber-Rendu Disease
Osteoma Cutis
Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian Polycystic Disease
Ovarian Failure
Ovarian Cancer