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Medical Library. Full Text Journals Medical Books Online. Physicians Drug Reference
W *Waardenburg's syndrome -- Weber's syndrome Weeksella -- Wilson's disease Winterbottom's sign -- Wyeomyia virus
Waardenburg's syndrome
deafness in [ch29 ¶63]
genetics [ch363 Table1]
mutation in [ch65 ¶64]
piebaldism [ch57 ¶33]
WAGR syndrome [ch66 ¶39]
disorders of [ch27 ¶23-¶67]
approach to the patient [ch27ap1]
physiology of [ch27 ¶2-¶22]
Waldenstro¨m's macroglobulinemia [ch113 ¶6] [ch114 ¶26-¶29] [ch275 ¶41] [ch340 ¶61]
purpura [ch57 ¶103] [ch57 ¶106]
and Raynaud's phenomenon [ch248 ¶48]
in Sjo¨gren's syndrome [ch316 ¶13]
treatment [ch114rx2]
Walker-Warburg syndrome (WWS) [ch363 Table1]
Wallenberg's syndrome [ch366 ¶67] [ch372 ¶35]
Warfarin [ch119 ¶5-¶9] [ch119 Table2]
for cerebral embolism [ch366 ¶172] [ch366 ¶176-¶177]
for cerebral ischemia prevention [ch366 ¶123]
complications [ch119 ¶7-¶9]
cutaneous necrosis [ch56 ¶36-¶38] [ch119 ¶9]
drug interactions [ch68 Table4] [ch140 ¶123] [ch140 ¶125]
for myocardial infarction prevention [ch243 ¶119]
for pulmonary thromboembolism [ch261 ¶43-¶46]
complications [ch261 ¶45]
dosing [ch261 ¶44]
purpura from [ch57 ¶102] [ch57 ¶104] [ch119 ¶7]
skin necrosis from [ch261 ¶46]
for venous thrombosis [ch248 ¶70]
Warm-antibody immunohemolytic anemia [ch109 ¶50-¶54] [ch109 Table7]
Warts [ch55 ¶46-¶49] [ch190 ¶3-¶8] [ch190 Table1]
common (verruca vulgaris) [ch55 ¶46] [ch190 ¶3] [ch190 ¶7] [ch190 Table1]
flat (verruca plana) [ch55 ¶46] [ch190 ¶3] [ch190 ¶7] [ch190 Table1]
genital (condylomata acuminata) [ch55 ¶47] [ch129 ¶66-¶67] [ch190 ¶3] [ch190 ¶7] [ch190 Table1]
oral mucosa [ch31 Table1]
plantar (verruca plantaris) [ch55 ¶46] [ch190 ¶3] [ch190 ¶7] [ch190 Table1]
treatment [ch55rx9]
Wasp stings [ch393 ¶51-¶60]
Wasting syndrome, in HIV disease [ch308 ¶272]
absorption [ch285 ¶23] [ch285 Table1]
balance [ch49 ¶4-¶8]
disorders [ch49 ¶12-¶23]
excretion [ch49 ¶6]
insensible losses [ch49 ¶16]
intake [ch49 ¶5]
nutritional requirements [ch72 ¶12-¶13]
reabsorption, nephron loss and [ch269 ¶27-¶29]
retention of [ch37 Figure2] [ch37 ¶8]
[see also: Edema]
in heart failure [ch233 ¶28-¶30]
third space sequestration [ch49 ¶17]
transport, nephron loss and [ch269 Figure2] [ch269 ¶16-¶21]
Waterborne diseases
Campylobacter [ch159 ¶3]
cholera [ch161 ¶6]
cyclosporiasis [ch220 ¶22]
giardiasis [ch220 ¶3-¶5]
leptospirosis [ch176 ¶7]
parasites [ch212 ¶5]
tularemia [ch163 ¶17]
"Water brash" [ch41 ¶34]
Watercress, trematodes and [ch224 ¶59]
Water-hammer pulse [ch237 ¶106]
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
[see: Meningococcemia, fulminant]
Water-load test, for SIADH [ch330 ¶73]
Watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, achlorhydria (WDHA) syndrome
[see: VIPoma (Verner-Morrison syndrome)]
Watson syndrome, café au lait spots [ch57 ¶40]
WDHA syndrome
[see: VIPoma (Verner-Morrison syndrome)]
W-Ditchling agent [ch194 ¶13]
Weakness [ch21 ¶2-¶45]
algorithm for work-up [ch21 Figure3]
causes of recurrent [ch20 Table1]
clinical assessment [ch21 ¶28] [ch21 Table2]
differential diagnosis [ch21 ¶28-¶45] [ch21 Table1]
distal [ch21 ¶44]
episodic [ch22 ¶24-¶33]
causes of [ch22 Table1]
in heart failure [ch233 ¶35]
hemiparesis [ch21 ¶31]
hyperkalemic [ch22 ¶31]
lower motor neuron [ch21 Figure2] [ch21 ¶13-¶19] [ch21 Table1]
monoparesis [ch21 ¶41]
in multiple sclerosis [ch376 ¶20]
in myasthenia gravis [ch22 ¶29] [ch382 ¶7]
myopathic [ch21 ¶20]
nonparalytic disorders of movement [ch21 ¶24]
paraparesis [ch21 ¶35]
pathogenesis [ch21 ¶6-¶27]
proximal [ch21 ¶45]
quadriparesis [ch21 ¶38]
upper motor neuron [ch21 ¶6-¶12] [ch21 Table1]
Weaver's bottom [ch326 ¶72]
Weber and Rinne tuning fork [ch29 ¶46]
Weber-Christian disease [ch352 ¶33]
red lesions [ch57 ¶88] [ch57 ¶89]
Weber's syndrome [ch28 ¶92] [ch366 ¶62]
W *Waardenburg's syndrome -- Weber's syndrome Weeksella -- Wilson's disease Winterbottom's sign -- Wyeomyia virus
Waldenstrom's Hypergammaglobulinemia
Wart (Genital)
Warts (Flat)
Warts (Plantar)
Warty Dyskeratoma
Wasp Stings
Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome
WDHA Syndrome
Wegener's Granulomatosis
Werner's Syndrome (MEN Type 1)
Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
West Nile Fever
Whipple's Disease
Wilson's Disease
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Wood Trimmer's Lung
Woodman's Lung
Wound Infection
Wound Care
X *Xanthelasma -- 47,XYY trisomy
Xanthelasma [ch57 ¶77]
Xanthine nephrolithiasis [ch344 ¶69]
Xanthine oxidase deficiency [ch344 ¶69] [ch344 ¶75-¶76]
Xanthinuria, hereditary [ch344 ¶75-¶76]
Xanthomas [ch57 ¶77]
bormolipemic flat [ch57 ¶78]
in hyperlipoproteinemia [ch326 ¶47]
plane [ch57 ¶77]
tendon [ch57 ¶77]
tuberous [ch57 ¶77]
Xanthroastrocytomas, pleiomorphic [ch375 ¶19]
Xanthurenic aciduria [ch349 Table1]
X chromosome [ch66 Figure1] [ch66 ¶4]
Lyon effect [ch66 ¶13] [ch66 ¶42]
Xenopsylla [ch393 ¶20]
and plague [ch164 ¶7]
Xeroderma pigmentosum [ch57 ¶25] [ch65 ¶136] [ch67 ¶4] [ch369 ¶45]
Xerosis [ch54 Table3]
Xerostomia [ch31 ¶18]
disorders with [ch316 Table4]
in Sjögren's syndrome [ch316 ¶8]
XIST gene [ch65 ¶117]
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, infantile metachromatic, bone marrow transplantation for [ch116 ¶37]
X-linked agammaglobulinemia [ch307 ¶48-¶50]
with growth hormone deficiency [ch307 ¶48]
neutropenia [ch62 ¶18]
X-linked genetic disorders [ch65 Figure20] [ch65 Figure21] [ch65 ¶108-¶120] [ch65 ¶137]
dominant [ch65 ¶108]
recessive [ch65 ¶108]
X-linked immunodeficiency with increased levels of IgM [ch307 ¶63]
X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome (Duncan's disease) [ch186 ¶17] [ch307 ¶71]
X-linked recessive nephrolithiasis [ch278 ¶54] [ch278 Table1]
X-linked spinobulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy disease) [ch363 ¶30] [ch370 ¶20]
gene mutation in [ch65 ¶28] [ch65 ¶81] [ch65 ¶147]
genetics [ch363 ¶30] [ch363 Table1] [ch363 Table2]
45,X monosomy [ch66 ¶24] [ch66 ¶26] [ch66 Table1]
XX male syndrome [ch336 ¶47] [ch339 ¶16-¶17] [ch339 Table2]
XXX trisomy [ch66 ¶23] [ch66 ¶26]
47,XXY trisomy [ch66 ¶20] [ch66 ¶23] [ch66 ¶25] [ch66 ¶26] [ch66 ¶42]
Xylohypha, meningitis [ch378 Table2]
Xylose absorption test [ch285 ¶30]
47,XYY trisomy [ch66 ¶20] [ch66 ¶23] [ch66 ¶42] [ch66 ¶44]
X *Xanthelasma -- 47,XYY trisomy
X-linked Hypophosphatemia (Vitamin D-resistant Rickets)
X-linked Agammaglobulinemia
Xanthine Oxidase Deficiency
Xerodermia Pigmentosum
Y *Yaws (Treponema pallidum s. pertenue) -- Yolk sac tumors
Yaws (Treponema pallidum s. pertenue) [ch174 ¶2] [ch175 ¶1] [ch175 Table1]
clinical manifestations [ch175 Figure1] [ch175 ¶11-¶15]
epidemiology [ch175 ¶3-¶8]
leprosy vs. [ch172 ¶36]
Y chromosome [ch66 Figure1] [ch66 ¶4]
Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) [ch65 ¶56]
Yeast infections [ch202 ¶1]
[see also: Fungal infections]
Yellow fever [ch200 ¶9] [ch200 ¶111-¶113] [ch200 Table4]
sylvatic [ch200 ¶111]
urban [ch200 ¶111] [ch200 ¶113]
Yellow fever vaccine [ch122 ¶55] [ch200 ¶113]
characteristics [ch122 Table5]
for travelers [ch123 ¶12]
Yellow finger syndrome, lymphedema in [ch248 ¶81]
Yellow jacket [ch393 ¶51] [ch393 ¶52]
Yellow nail syndrome, and bronchiectasis [ch256 ¶11]
Yergason's supination sign [ch326 ¶76]
Yersinia [ch164] [ch155 ¶2]
diarrhea [ch42 ¶14] [ch42 ¶17]
differential diagnosis [ch159 ¶15]
and HLA-B27 [ch306 ¶19]
invasion [ch120 ¶14]
plague [ch164 ¶1-¶35]
[see also: Plague]
and reactive arthritis [ch317 ¶44]
Yersinia enterocolitica [ch164 ¶36-¶57]
arthritis [ch324 ¶35]
and Crohn's disease [ch286 ¶15]
differential diagnosis [ch286 ¶44]
dysentery [ch128 ¶11]
epidemiology [ch164 ¶39-¶42]
erythema multiforme [ch57 ¶52]
invasion [ch139 ¶13]
microbiology [ch164 ¶38]
pharyngitis [ch30 ¶48]
Yersinia pestis [ch164 ¶1-¶35]
[see also: Plague]
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis [ch164 ¶36] [ch164 ¶42] [ch164 ¶44-¶45] [ch164 ¶51-¶52] [ch164 ¶55]
Yolk sac tumors [ch99 ¶30]
Y *Yaws (Treponema pallidum s. pertenue) -- Yolk sac tumors
Yaws (Frambesia Tropica)
Yellow Fever
Yellow Jacket Sting
Yersinia Enterocolitis
Z *Zalcitabine (ddC) for HIV -- Zygomycosis
Zalcitabine (ddC) for HIV [ch183 ¶48-¶49] [ch183 Table1] [ch308 ¶287]
adverse effects [ch183 ¶49] [ch308 ¶287]
combination therapy [ch308 ¶297]
ZAP70 tyrosine kinase deficiency [ch307 ¶42]
Zencker's diverticulum [ch41 ¶17] [ch283 ¶58]
[see: Zollinger-Ellison syndrome]
Zidovudine (ZZD; AZT) [ch183 ¶40-¶43] [ch183 Table1] [ch308 ¶297]
adverse effects [ch123 ¶38] [ch183 ¶43] [ch308 ¶265] [ch308 ¶282]
anemia from [ch108 ¶44] [ch308 ¶240]
combination therapy [ch308 ¶296]
for HIV [ch308 ¶279-¶283] [ch308 Table26]
combination therapy [ch308 ¶296]
dosage [ch308 ¶281]
prophylactic for exposures [ch308 ¶310]
resistance [ch308 ¶283]
for HTLV [ch192 ¶35]
lamivudine and [ch308 ¶289]
myopathy from [ch383 ¶122]
neutropenia from [ch62 ¶14] [ch308 ¶244]
pigmentation changes [ch56 ¶33]
polymyositis from [ch315 ¶18]
vasculitis from [ch308 ¶265]
zalcitabine and [ch308 ¶287]
Zinc [ch80 ¶4-¶10] [ch80 Table1]
deficiency [ch80 ¶8] [ch80 Table2]
malabsorption test [ch285 Table2]
recommended dietary allowance (RDA) [ch72 Table1]
requirements and function [ch80 Table1]
toxicity [ch80 ¶10] [ch80 Table2]
for Wilson's disease [ch345 ¶21]
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (gastrinoma) [ch41 ¶19] [ch95 ¶32-¶37] [ch95 Table2] [ch284 ¶160-¶187] [ch284 ¶161] [ch304 Table6]
clinical features [ch284 ¶167-¶169] [ch354 ¶10] [ch354 ¶25]
cobalamin deficiency and [ch108 ¶36]
diagnosis [ch281 ¶24] [ch284 ¶170-¶179] [ch284 Table7] [ch284 Table8]
diarrhea [ch42 ¶33] [ch42 ¶54]
etiology and pathogenesis [ch284 ¶161-¶166]
malabsorption in [ch285 ¶98]
in MEN-1 [ch95 ¶33-¶34] [ch340 ¶9]
treatment [ch95rx2] [ch284rx5]
ulcers and [ch284 ¶1] [ch284 ¶168]
Zoonotic viruses [ch200]
[see also: Arthropod-borne viruses; Rodent-borne viruses]
Zoster immune globulin (ZIG) [ch185 ¶25]
Zoster immune plasma (ZIP) [ch185 ¶25]
Zygomycosis [ch209 ¶2]
Z *Zalcitabine (ddC) for HIV -- Zygomycosis
Zenker's Diverticulum
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome