This page has moved. Click here to view. SoriasisSoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by epidermal hyperplasia and an accelerated rate of epidermal turnover. Psoriasis affects 0.5% to 2.0% of the population. It is a lifelong disorder that may consist of only a few patches on the scalp, elbows or knees, or it may consist of psoriasis, soriasis, poriasis extensive to total skin involvement. Onset occurs at any age, with bimodal peaks of psoriasis, soriasis, poriasis incidence at ages 20-30 and 50-60 years. The frequency is equal in males and Clinical Presentation The lesions are elevated and erythematous, with thick, silver scales. Scraping off the scale leaves a bleeding point (Auspitz sign). Lesion HAVE A predilection for the sacral region, over extensor surfaces (elbows, knees, lumbosacral), and scalp. Other lesions may appear at sites of trauma psoriasis, soriasis, poriasis (Koebner's phenomenon), such as an excoriation, skin infection, or burn. The distribution is usually symmetrical. Some psoriatic plaques are asymptomatic while others are associated with extreme pruritus psoriasis, soriasis, poriasis psoriasis, soriasis, poriasis or pain. Medications that can trigger the onset of psoriasis, soriasis, poriasis Psoriasis psoriasis include beta-blockers, lithium, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, psoriasis, soriasis, poriasis and progesterone-containing oral contraceptives. Mucosal psoriasis consist of circinate, Psoriasis ring-shaped, whitish lesions on the tongue, palate, or buccal mucosa. Onycholysis, or separation of the nail plate from the underlying nail bed is frequently seen, as well as a yellow-brown discoloration underneath the nail, known as an "oil spot." Psoriatic arthritis occurs in 20-34% of patients with psoriasis. It is characterized by asymmetrical distal oligoarthritis Psoriasis involving small joints; a smaller number of patients have a symmetrical arthritis of the larger joints or a spondyloarthropathy. The arthritis may be mutilating and destructive. Treatment of Soriasis Emollients help to hydrate, Psoriasis soften, and loosen scaly psoriatic plaques.Greasy emollients such as petroleum psoriasis, soriasis, poriasis