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Stroke is defined as the sudden onset of a neurological deficit. On rare occasions other pathology will manifest like a stroke, but modern imaging techniques will quickly eliminate the differential diagnosis of space taking lesion. The clinical stroke diagnosis includes a consideration of the following:


The time course of the stroke (completed, stroke, cerebrovascular accident, CVA, ischemic stroke, brain attack stroke, cerebrovascular accident, CVA, ischemic stroke, brain attack in evolution, TIA)
The pathological mechanism of the stroke.

The background health or ill-health of the patient.

The frequency of stroke by type is:

Ischemic: 84% Thrombotic: stroke, cerebrovascular accident, CVA, ischemic stroke, brain attack 53%

Embolic: 31%

Hemorrhagic: 16% Intracerebral 10%

Subarachnoid 6% Stroke

37% of strokes are hemorrhage, 63% are caused by infarction. Of the infarctions, 40% Stroke were primary large vessel or small stroke, cerebrovascular accident, CVA, ischemic stroke, brain attack vessel occlusion and 23% were thought to be embolic. Stroke The mechanism of stroke production was unknown in 24%. Stroke Stroke

Epidemiology: Stroke is the
