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Seeking health promotion and disease prevention
Conventional therapies have been exhausted
Conventional therapies are of indeterminate effectiveness or associated with significant side effects or risk
No conventional therapy known to relieve patients condition
The conventional approach is perceived to be emotionally or spiritually without benefit
Patterns Of Alternative Therapy Use In British Columbia
1019 participants receiving HIV/AIDS-related drug treatments from the provincial program
Invasive (dietary supplements and other) vs non-invasive (tactile and personal) Rx recorded
Thirty-four percent had ever used complementary therapies
53% dietary supps; 43% other Invasive
15% tactile; 30% other personal
Users morn likely to have AIDS, moderate or severe pain, more educational degrees, not currently on ARV Rx
Use of CAM by HIV + Women: Results
CAM use similar in HIV + and HIV - women
Users older, higher education and income, more frequent in whites
Spiritual practices, regular exercise,
Chinese herbs most frequent
70% users did not disclose to their health care provider
Traditional Medicine In Uganda Effectiveness of traditional herbal medicine for treatment of chronic diarrhea and Herpes Zoster compared to best medical therapy available, including acyclovir
387 CD and 272 HZ pts enrolled
HZ lesions healed at same rate whether under herbal or medical Rx, but fewer healer pts with post-herpetic neuralgia (11% vs 44%, p<0.0005)
CD responded significantly morn frequently to herbal then conventional Rx (73% vs 29%. p<0.0005); also faster response (NS)
CD4 cells declined equally in all groups
Meta-Survey Of Plant And Herb Material As Treatment For HIV
Chinese Herbs for Symptomatic H1V
Chinese Herbs for Symptomatic HIV
Source QITM
Main Components
Ailanthes (Chun Pi)
MARROW PLUS for Anemia
Marrow PlusTM
Main Components
Milletla (di Xue Teng)
CPCRA 022 Neuropathy Trial
Primary endpoint
Change in pain from baseline to wk 6, wk14
Measured by daily pain diaries
Faint .04
Mild .74
Barely strong 1.10
Extremely Intense t.75
CPCRA 022 Neuropathy Study: Results of the Acupuncture Comparison