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Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis has an incidence of 7/1,000 and a prevalence of 3-5% of children.

95% of affected children will have symptoms by age 5.

The inheritance pattern is multifactorial.

Pathogenesis is related to

Triggering factors

Foods, environmental allergens, and bacteria.

Individual with genetic predisposition

Inflammatory mediators: Histamine, prostaglandins, neuropeptides

Contact Dermatitis



Acute dermatitis

Chronic dermatitis

External factors including foods, bacteria, and environmental allergens trigger the release of cutaneous inflammatory factors, resulting in pruritus and inflammation of the skin of susceptible individuals. Rash, rashes Secondary manipulation of the skin [i.e. rubbing and excoriation) produces many of the symptoms of acute and chronic dermatitis. Dermatitic changes in the skin.

Diagnostic Criteria for Atopic Dermatitis

Major criteria (all required for diagnosis)

Common findings (at least two)

Associated findings (at least four)


Typical morphology and distribution of rash

Personal or family history of atopy

Immediate skin test reactivity

White dermographism

Anterior subcapsular cataracts

Ichthyosis, xerosis, hyperlinear palms

Pityriasis alba

Keratosis pilaris

Facial pallor, infraorbital darkening

Dennie-Morgan folds


Hand dermatitis

Repeated cutaneous infections

Complications of Atopic Dermatitis rash, rashes

Secondary bacterial infection

Viral infections (herpes simplex, molluscum)

Chronic fungal infection

Differential Diagnosis

Seborrheic dermatitis

Irritant dermatitis

Papular acrodermatitis


Fungal infection


Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis