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Constipation is common in infants and children, and the problem usually is a short-lived and without significant long-term consequences. Constipation usually resolves after modification of the child's fluid and dietary regimen, although a stool softener.

I. Pathophysiology

  • A. Chronic constipation is rarely caused by an anatomic or pathophysiologic abnormality. Persistent difficulty with the passage of stool may often lead to impaction, stool withholding.
    Conditions Associated With Constipation
    Condition Common Causes
    Lack of Fecal Bulk High carbohydrate constipation or high protein diet


    Abnormally Hard Stools Excessive cow milk intake
    Abnormally Dry Stools Dehydration

    Infantile renal acidosis

    Diabetes insipidus

    Idiopathic hypercalcemia

    Nervous System Lesion Spinal cord lesions
    Mechanical Constipation Anorectal stenotic lesions