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Cyclothymic Disorder

Cyclothymic disorder consists of chronic cyclical episodes of mild depression and symptoms of mild mania.

DSM IV Diagnostic Criteria

Many periods of depression and hypomania, occurring for at least 2 years. Depressive episodes do not reach severity of major depression.

During the 2 year period, the patient has not been symptom-free for more than 2 months at a time.

During the 2 year period, no episodes of major depression, mania or mixed states were present.

Symptoms are not accounted for by schizoaffective disorder and do not coexist with schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, delusional disorder, or any other psychotic disorder.

Symptoms are not caused by substance use or general medical condition.

Symptoms cause significant distress or functional impairment.

Clinical Features

Symptoms are similar to those of bipolar I disorder, but they are of a lesser magnitude and cycles occur at a faster rate.

Patients frequently have coexisting substance abuse and one third of patients develop a severe mood disorder (usually bipolar II) cyclothimic.

Occupational and interpersonal impairment is frequent and