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Hepatitis A Infection
Infectious diseases that adults are likely to acquire from children who attend day care centers infection control, nursery, daycare, day-care include the following:
Hepatitis A: Fecal oral transmission
Cytomegalovirus: Transmission by contact with saliva, urine; risk to fetus if pregnant day care provider develops infection (primary infection in particular)
Parvovirus B 19-respiratory transmission, risk to fetus in pregnant day care provider who becomes infected
Children are at risk of acquiring tuberculosis from infected adults who care for them
Enteric pathogens spread in child care
Hepatitis A
Enteric adenovirus
Shigella-small inocula infection, highly contagious-exclude until treated
E. coli O157:H7
Clostridium difficile
Parasites and Fungi
Giardia lamblia
Enterobius vermicularis
Day care attendees with vomiting and diarrhea should generally be excluded until symptoms have resolved (they need ill care, which daycare centers usually cannot provide; it is more difficult to contain secretions in this situation)
Hepatitis A -Epidemiology/Clinical Features
Common infection in children and particularly in day care centers with diapered attendees
Infection in young children is usually asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic only, but infection in adults is symptomatic 75-100% of the time
Jaundice occurs in less than 10% of infected children under age 6 years
Infection in children is often only identified when an adult contact develops jaundice
The diagnosis is confirmed by detection of hepatitis A IgM. Maternal testing is diagnostic
Hepatitis A IgM persists for about 5 months after infection will run on the infant should be tested if the mother has hepatitis A--it will still be positive if he recently had Hepatitis A.