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Medical Library. Full Text Journals Medical Books Online. Physicians Drug Reference

J *Jackson-Weiss syndrome -- Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis


Jackson-Weiss syndrome [ch359 ¶33]

Jacod syndrome [ch372 Table1]

Jactation capitis nocturna [ch27 ¶56]

JAK3 protein kinase deficiency [ch307 ¶36]

Jamaican vomiting sickness [ch300 ¶11]

Jamestown Canyon encephalitis [ch200 ¶44-¶48]

Janeway lesions, in endocarditis [ch126 ¶33]

Jansen's disease [ch354 Figure3] [ch354 ¶63]

Janus family [ch83 ¶34] [ch305 ¶6]

Japanese encephalitis [ch200 ¶42] [ch200 ¶52] [ch200 Table3]

Japanese encephalitis vaccine [ch200 ¶52]

characteristics [ch122 Table5]

for transplant recipients [ch136 ¶52]

for travelers [ch122 ¶55] [ch123 ¶12]

Japanese (Oriental) spotted fever [ch179 ¶25]

diagnosis and treatment [ch179 Table1]

Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction

in leptospirosis [ch176 ¶11]

in relapsing fever [ch177 ¶10] [ch177 ¶14] [ch177 ¶19]

in syphilis [ch174 ¶68] [ch174 ¶71]

Jaundice [ch45]


[see also: Hyperbilirubinemia]

from choledocholithiasis [ch302 ¶70]

classification [ch45 Table2]

of conjugated bilirubinemia [ch45 ¶20]

drug-induced [ch45 ¶21]

etiology [ch45 Figure3] [ch45 ¶15-¶32] [ch45 Table2]

evaluation [ch45 ¶23-¶32]

in heart failure [ch233 ¶43]

hemolytic [ch45 ¶16]

in hepatitis, viral [ch295 ¶51] [ch295 ¶55]

chronic [ch297 ¶15]

hepatocellular disorders and [ch45 ¶16] [ch45 ¶21]

history taking [ch45 ¶25]



[see: Dubin-Johnson syndrome]

imaging studies [ch291 Table1]

laboratory tests [ch45 ¶27]

in leptospirosis [ch176 ¶17]

neonatal [ch45 ¶19] [ch294 ¶12-¶15] [ch294 Table3]

obstructive (cholestatic) [ch45 ¶16]

and pancreatic cancer [ch94 ¶5]

physical examination [ch45 ¶26]

postoperative [ch45 ¶21] [ch294 ¶44-¶46] [ch294 Table2]

of pregnancy, recurrent [ch294 ¶37-¶39]

retrograde cholangiography [ch282 ¶34-¶35]

of unconjugated bilirubinemia [ch45 ¶17]

Jaw winking [ch22 ¶6]

JC virus

in HIV disease [ch308 ¶207]

and leukoencephalopathy, progressive multifocal (PML) [ch379 ¶70] [updt1108]

in transplant recipients, kidney [ch136 ¶28]

Jejunitis, tropical [ch285 ¶49]

Jejunoileal bypass, fatty liver [ch300 ¶4]

Jejunostomy tube [ch78 Table10]

Jejunum, multiple diverticula [ch288 ¶4]

Jellyfish [ch392 ¶24]

Jendrassik maneuver [ch360 ¶32]

Jerk nystagmus [ch28 ¶109]

Jet lag syndrome [ch27 ¶69]

Job's syndrome [ch307 ¶72]

cellulitis [ch133 ¶14]

eosinophilia in [ch62 ¶39]

management [ch62 ¶45]

manifestations and diagnosis [ch62 Table4]

mononuclear phagocyte disorder in [ch62 ¶31]

neutrophil disorder in [ch62 ¶23]

Jodbasedow phenomenon [ch331 ¶54] [ch331 ¶118] [ch331 ¶127-¶128]

Joint contractures [ch321 ¶12]

in diabetes mellitus [ch334 ¶135]

Joint disease [sc3ch321]


[see also: Musculoskeletal disorders and individual diseases]

in acromegaly [ch326 ¶48-¶50]

acute vs. chronic [ch321 ¶8]

adhesive capsulitis [ch326 ¶77-¶79]

in amyloidosis [ch309 ¶26]

approach to [ch321]

regional rheumatic complaints [ch321 ¶23-¶31]


calcium crystal deposition [ch323]

infectious [ch324]

osteoarthritis [ch322]

psoriatic [ch325 ¶1-¶11]

bicipital tendinitis and rupture [ch326 ¶76]

bursitis [ch326 ¶72]

calcific tendinitis [ch326 ¶75]

clinical history [ch321 ¶7-¶10]

crepitus [ch321 ¶12]

deformity [ch321 ¶12]



[see: Osteoarthritis]

diagnostic imaging [ch321 Figure3] [ch321 Figure4] [ch321 Figure5] [ch321 ¶17-¶21] [ch321 Table3]

in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome [ch348 ¶47]

in the elderly [ch321 ¶22]

in hemochromatosis [ch326 ¶51-¶53]

in hemoglobinopathies [ch326 ¶63-¶71] [ch326 Table5]

in hemophilia [ch326 ¶54-¶62]

hypertrophic osteoarthropathy [ch326 Figure1] [ch326 ¶19-¶31] [ch326 Table3]


anaerobic [ch169 ¶40-¶42]

brucellosis [ch162 ¶7-¶8]

mycobacteria, nontuberculous (NTM) [ch173 ¶53]

in prosthetic joints [ch324 ¶37-¶40]

Pseudomonas aeruginosa [ch157 ¶33-¶37]

in inflammatory bowel disease [ch286 ¶60-¶61]

inflammatory vs. noninflammatory [ch321 Figure1] [ch321 ¶5-¶6]

laboratory investigations [ch321 ¶13-¶16]

lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) [ch326 ¶80-¶81]

medial epicondylitis [ch326 ¶82-¶83]

monoarticular [ch321 ¶9] [ch321 ¶13]

neuropathic [ch326 ¶16-¶18] [ch326 Table2]

obesity and [ch75 ¶24]

oligoarticular [ch321 ¶9]

pauciarticular [ch321 ¶9]

periarticular [ch326 ¶72-¶83]

physical examination [ch321 ¶11-¶12] [ch321 Table2]

polyarticular [ch321 ¶9]

psychogenic rheumatism [ch326 ¶43]

reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome [ch326 ¶44-¶45]

relapsing polychondritis [ch326 ¶1-¶15]

rotator cuff tendinitis and impingement syndrome [ch326 Figure3] [ch326 ¶73-¶74]

in sickle cell disease [ch326 ¶63-¶68] [ch326 Table5]

in systemic lupus erythematosus [ch312 ¶7]

in thalassemia [ch326 ¶69-¶71] [ch326 Table5]

Tietze's syndrome and costochondritis [ch326 ¶46]

tumors [ch326 ¶84-¶92]

hemangiomas [ch326 ¶90]

pigmented villonodular synovitis [ch326 ¶85-¶88]

synovial chondromatosis [ch326 ¶89]

synovial chondrosarcoma [ch326 ¶92]

synovial osteochondromatosis [ch326 ¶89]

synovial sarcoma (malignant synovioma) [ch326 ¶91]

Joint pain


[see also: Joint disease]

evaluation [ch321 ¶23-¶31]

in Mediterranean fever, familial [ch288 ¶71]

in mixed connective tissue disease [ch314 ¶54]

Joint position testing [ch23 ¶17] [ch23 Table1] [ch360 ¶37]

Josamycin, for rickettsial diseases [ch179 Table1]

Jugular venous pulse (JVP) [ch227 Figure3] [ch227 ¶10-¶14]

a wave [ch227 ¶11-¶12]

v wave [ch227 ¶12]

x descent wave [ch227 ¶12]

y descent wave [ch227 ¶13]

jun gene [ch83 ¶50]

Juvenile lentigo [ch88 Table5]

Juvenile nephronophthisis [ch278 ¶19-¶22] [ch278 Table1]

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

and HLA-B27 [ch306 ¶19]

urticaria [ch57 ¶63]


J *Jackson-Weiss syndrome -- Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis


Jamaican Vomiting Sickness

Jejunal and Ileal Diverticula

Jejunitis, Tropical


Jellyfish Stings

Jessner's Lymphocytic Infiltration of the Skin

Jet Lag Syndrome


Junctional Rhythm

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Juvenile Xanthogranuloma (Nevoxanthoendothelioma)