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Medical Library. Full Text Journals Medical Books Online. Physicians Drug Reference
N *N-acetylglutamate, inherited catabolic disorders -- Neck pain Necrobiosis lipoidica -- Neoplasia Neopterin -- Nephropathies Nephrosclerosis, arteriolar -- Neurologic disorders Neurologic examination -- Neutrophil(s) -- Neutrophilia -- Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Non-rapid-eye movement (NREM) sleep -- Nosocomial infections Nothnagel's syndrome -- Nutrition therapy Nystagmus -- Nystatin
N-acetylglutamate, inherited catabolic disorders [ch349 Table1]
Nadolol [ch70 ¶80]
dosage [ch70 Table1]
for hypertension [ch246 ¶64] [ch246 Table4]
for myocardial ischemia [ch244 ¶56]
poisoning/overdosage [ch391 ¶80]
Naegleria [ch215 ¶30-¶31]
diagnosis [ch213 Table5] [ch215 ¶31]
and HIV disease [ch308 ¶166]
life cycles and diagnosis [ch213 Table3]
treatment [ch214 Table1]
Nafarelin [ch336 ¶89]
dosage, in renal failure [ch68 Table3]
for endocarditis [ch126 Table3]
in IV drug abusers [ch134 ¶24]
for intracranial thrombophlebitis [ch377 ¶83]
for osteomyelitis [ch132 ¶25]
pharmacokinetics [ch140 Table3]
for pneumonia, dosage [ch255 Table8]
for staphylococcal infections [ch142 ¶68] [ch142 ¶70]
Naftifine [ch202 ¶9]
for dermatophytosis [ch55 ¶39]
dermatophytosis [ch210 ¶9]
drug-induced changes [ch69 Table1]
Nail-patella syndrome (osteoonychodysplasia) [ch273 ¶41] [ch275 ¶52]
Nairovirus [ch200 Table1]
Na+ K+,-ATPase pump, and intestinal absorption [ch42 ¶2]
Na+ K+,-2Cl- cotransporter [ch42 ¶11]
Nalidixic acid, mechanism of action [ch140 ¶20]
Naloxone [ch328 ¶154]
for alcohol rehabilitation [ch386 ¶61]
for opiate rehabilitation [ch387 ¶35]
NAME syndrome [ch241 ¶3]
hyperpigmentation [ch57 ¶39]
Nanophyetus salmincola [ch224 ¶66]
dosage [ch12 Table1]
poisoning/overdosage [ch391 ¶163]
Narcissistic personality [ch385 ¶97]
Narcolepsy [ch27 ¶39-¶45] [ch27 Table2]
diagnosis [ch27 ¶42]
and HLA-D [ch306 ¶20]
symptoms [ch27 Table3]
treatment [ch27rx1]
[see: Opioids]
Nasal congestion, drug-induced [ch69 Table1]
Nasal infections [ch30 ¶2-¶5]
Nasogastric feeding tube [ch78 Table10]
Nasogastric tube, for peptic and digestive disorders [ch281 ¶22]
Nasojejunal feeding tube [ch78 Table10]
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma [ch89 ¶14] [ch89 Table1]
EBV and [ch84 ¶5] [ch89 ¶5] [ch182 ¶32] [ch186 ¶20]
Nasu disease [ch352 ¶13]
Natriuretic peptides, and edema [ch37 ¶17]
Natural killer (NK) cells
[see: Large granular lymphocytes]
Nausea [ch41 ¶1-¶22]
[see also: Vomiting]
in appendicitis [ch290 ¶3]
approach to the patient [ch41ap1]
chemoreceptor trigger zone [ch41 ¶5]
from chemotherapy [ch81 ¶33-¶36] [ch86 ¶90-¶98]
clinical classification [ch41 ¶7-¶15]
differential diagnosis [ch41 ¶16-¶19]
drug-induced [ch69 Table1]
from myelography [ch362 ¶27]
neoplasia and [ch77 ¶17]
in sepsis [ch124 ¶20]
treatment [ch41rx1]
Necator americanus [ch222 ¶10-¶16] [ch222 Table1]
[see also: Hookworm infection]
diagnosis [ch213 Table2]
life cycle [ch213 Table2] [ch222 ¶11]
treatment [ch214 ¶14] [ch222 ¶15]
adenopathy [ch61 ¶7]
anaerobic infections [ch169 ¶16-¶22]
cancer [ch89] [ch101 ¶16]
chemoprevention [ch89 ¶29]
classification [ch89 Table1]
clinical presentation and differential diagnosis [ch89 ¶13-¶20] [ch89 Table1]
etiology and genetics [ch89 ¶3-¶6]
histopathology, carcinogenesis, and molecular biology [ch89 ¶7-¶12]
incidence and epidemiology [ch89 ¶2]
treatment [ch89rx1]
complications [ch89 ¶30]
deep infections [ch30 ¶58-¶64]
Neck pain [ch16 ¶56-¶64]
from ankylosing spondylitis [ch16 ¶62]
from brachial plexus and nerve injuries [ch16 ¶64]
from cervical spondylosis [ch16 Figure6] [ch16 ¶60]
from disk disease [ch16 ¶59]
from Pancoast tumor [ch16 ¶64]
from postradiation fibrosis [ch16 ¶64]
from rheumatoid arthritis [ch16 ¶61]
thoracic outlet [ch16 ¶63]
from trauma [ch16 ¶57]
N *N-acetylglutamate, inherited catabolic disorders -- Neck pain Necrobiosis lipoidica -- Neoplasia Neopterin -- Nephropathies Nephrosclerosis, arteriolar -- Neurologic disorders Neurologic examination -- Neutrophil(s) -- Neutrophilia -- Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Non-rapid-eye movement (NREM) sleep -- Nosocomial infections Nothnagel's syndrome -- Nutrition therapy Nystagmus -- Nystatin
Naegleria Infection
Nail Cosmetics
Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Necrobiosis Lipoidicum
Necrobiosis Lipoidica
Necrotizing Fasciitis
Nematode Infections
Nephritis, Interstitial
Nephritis, Lupus
Nephritis, Radiation
Nephritis, Acute
Nephropathica Epidermica
Nephropathy, Light-chain
Nephropathy, Hypercalcemic
Nephropathy, Berger's
Nephropathy, Salt-wasting
Nephropathy, Sarcoid
Nephropathy, Uric Acid
Nephropathy, Hypersensitivity
Nephropathy, Amyloidosis
Nephrophthisis Complex
Nephrotic Syndrome
Neuraminidase Deficiency
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Neurotoxin, Cone Shell
Neurotoxin, Tick
Neurotoxin, Snake
Neurotoxin, Shellfish
Neutropenic Enterocolitis
Neutrophilic Eccrine Hidradenitis
Nevi (Melanocytic)
Nevi of Ota and Ito
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome
Nevus Flammeus
Nevus Araneus (Spider Nevus)
Nevus Flammeus
Nevus Sebaceus
Nevus Anemicus
Nevus Sebaceus
Nevus Comedonicus
Nevus Anemicus
Nevus Flammeus
Nevus Araneus (Spider Nevus)
Nevus Sebaceus
Nicotine Addiction
Norwalk Virus
Nucleocapsid, Viral
Nummular Dermatitis