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The mean age of menopause is 51; it occurs before age 40 in 5% of women
Average length of perimenopause is 4 years
Earlier menopause is seen in cigarette smokers, those living at higher altitude estrogen
Premenopausal women after age 40 often have shorter cycles which lengthen just before.
Iincreased ovarian resistance to FSH
Increased FSH levels (diagnostic level > 40)
Decreased estrogen
Estrone (less potent than estradiol) is the major circulating estrogen menopaus
Vasomotor instability - "hot flashes"
Affect 80% of women
Less severe in obese women
Hormonal Therapy Estrogen
Urogenital atrophy
Hormones Estrogen
Mood disorders Hormonal Therapy Estrogen
Hot flashes may interfere with sleep
Treatment of symptoms: