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Stroke is defined as the sudden onset of a neurological deficit. On rare occasions other pathology will manifest like a stroke, but modern imaging techniques will quickly eliminate the differential diagnosis of space taking lesion. The clinical stroke diagnosis includes a consideration of the following:
The time course of the stroke (completed, TIA)
The pathological mechanism of the stroke.
The background health or ill-health of the patient.
The frequency of stroke by type is:
Ischemic: 84% Thrombotic: stroke 53%
Embolic: 31%
Hemorrhagic: 16% Intracerebral 10%
Subarachnoid 6% Stroke
37% of strokes are hemorrhage, 63% are caused by infarction. Of the infarctions, 40% Stroke were primary large vessel or small stroke, vessel occlusion and 23% were thought to be embolic. The mechanism of stroke production was unknown in 24%.