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Dependent personality disorder. People who are dependent, and interestingly there does seem to be more women who fit into this category and youngest children. If you were the baby of the family, that also makes you at a bit of a risk for this. There is the feeling that you can’t function without the help of
You have to get someone else’s okay before you make a decision about anything in life. There is a lot of clinging, and an expectation that someone else will take the responsibility and take care of you. That others are somehow more capable and generally have more ability than the person with the dependent personality does. The co-morbidity here is depression, particularly if the person on whom they are dependent abandons them for any reason, such as death or divorce or something of
These people are prone to some types of substance abuse, particularly alcohol and opiates. They may have eating disorders, particularly overeating. In that sense they fit kind of the old analytic concept of the oral character. But there may be some slop over again with other personality disorders, such as the histrionic and avoidant dependant.
"We don’t treat personality disorders per se." What we do, in terms of looking at what these people present to us, and their characteristics, we look at specific things that they do that will represent target symptoms. What we do then is we try to treat those specific aspects of the personality disorder, that we might have some therapeutic intervention for. So there’s no set way we do this. Each individual has their own personality and we look for these certain characteristics and there are some interventions that