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Behcet Syndrome

Behcet syndrome, a triad of oral ulcers, genital ulcers, and various ophthalmologic inflammations, may first present during adolescence. The cause is unclear. It causes painful, persistent ulcerations of the vulva, vagina, and Behcet Syndrome.

They do not involve the genitocrural folds or interlabial sulci. Healing can be followed by fibrosis and scarring. Typically, the ulcerations relapse and are associated with simultaneous oral ulcers. This pattern, in combination with vasculitis on biopsy, can help to establish the diagnosis. In the absence of other foci of involvement, the lesions can be difficult to distinguish from primary herpes.

This culture is important in ruling out herpes and establishing the diagnosis. In 1990, the International Study Group for Behcet's Disease proposed diagnostic criteria. Besides recurrent oral ulcers, the criteria include genital ulcers, eye lesions, skin lesions, and a positive pathergy test. The patients usually present with severe pain, dyspareunia, and recurrent oral ulcers. 

Treatments include