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Candida Hypersensitivity Syndrome 

Candida hypersensitivity syndrome is also known as "candidiasis hypersensitivity syndrome," or "yeast hypersensitivity syndrome." It is based on a theory originally proposed by Truss that certain people develop hypersensitivity to a toxin released from Candida albicans that normally exists in the gastrointestinal tract and vagina. The illness, like IEI, is described as one of numerous wide-ranging symptoms without positive physical findings or laboratory abnormalities. In fact, many patients are diagnosed with the combination of food, chemical, and Candida sensitivity.

Candida albicans is indigenous on the skin and mucous membranes, constituting a part of the normal flora of the mucosae of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and female genitourinary tracts. Because it is a commensal organism for humans, there is virtually universal exposure to Candida antigens, and so an immune response producing low levels of antibody and detectable cell-mediated immunity.

The so-called Candida hypersensitivity syndrome should not be confused with local or systemic candidiasis. Opportunistic candidiasis can be traced to conditions of the host leading to impairment of natural or acquired immunity. Thrush or localized infection of the buccal mucosa is not unusual in infants, and it may complicate antibiotic or topical inhaled corticosteroid therapy. Thrush or Candida vulvovaginitis can be a complication of diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, or progesterone therapy and a temporary residual effect of antibiotic therapy.

Disease Description.

As in IEI, the Candida hypersensitivity syndrome has been applied most often to persons with numerous subjective symptoms, but it has also been claimed to be a cause or potentiating factor for numerous other diseases, including multiple sclerosis, arthritis, psoriasis, schizophrenia, cancer, AIDS.

Theory of Pathogenesis.

There is no clear theoretical explanation for this presumed disease. Although it is often referred to as a hypersensitivity phenomenon, it is also considered to be a toxic disease. A presumed toxin.


The diagnosis is based entirely on history. Crook has provided an extensive self-diagnosis questionnaire based on symptoms and prior exposure to presumed risk factors such as antibiotics.


The recommended treatment includes diet, nutritional supplements, and certain medications. The diet restricts intake of sugar, dietary yeast, and foods believed to contain mold. A rotary diet as used.