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Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and keep in mind that this is the most common personality disorder and trait in physicians. It has a certain degree of survivability. The obsessive tends to be very rigid, controlled, constricted, preoccupied with regulation, orderliness, perfection, things of that type. There is a wish for predictability. There is a resistance to any kind of change. If this person is a boss, they are likely to be a micromanager and have difficulty in delegating things over to other people. But they may be very hard workers. Even workaholics  display obsesive compulsive featres.

Typically the type A personality is a sub-type of these obsessive/compulsive personality, where there is a lot of anger, anxiety, need for achievement and a lot of time urgency and concern about the time, and

The people who cannot stand in line at the bank because they can’t wait. For these people, the co-morbidity includes, major depression, anxiety disorders, sometimes paranoia, psychosomatic disorders, particularly things such as migraine headaches and not uncommonly co-morbid with

The avoidant personality is a relatively new diagnosis that has been described over the last few years. These people are characteristically shy, timid, fearful of social situations, very fearful of humiliation. These are the people who just couldn’t get up in front of the class to read, in front of the Sunday school class in order to pray or read the scripture, terrified of getting up before a group such as this and talking - not one of my problems, obviously - and in general do not like to get into strange social situations for fear that they may be humiliated or embarrassed in some way. Now when they are not with strangers, they are often warm and relate very well to close friends and family. Although they are avoidant and often stay more by themselves, they are not like the schizoid person in that they really want relationships with other people. It’s just that they are fearful and anxious about that. The co-morbidity of course is social phobia and other anxiety disorders, major depression, eating disorders, things of