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Periodic limb movements of sleep is characterized by periodic, repetitive, stereotyped and asymmetric leg movements that occur during sleep. The leg movements are often associated with cyclic arousals or awakenings periodic limb movements of sleep, restless legs syndrome. The patient is usually unaware of the limb movements or fragmentation of sleep. Periodic limb movements of sleep may account for up to 12 percent of complaints of insomnia and 3 percent.

On the other hand, periodic limb movements of sleep may occur in individuals without sleep complaints. The incidence is equal in men and women. The prevalence increases with age, and the condition is rarely seen before age 30.9 The cause of periodic limb movements of sleep.

Periodic limb movements of sleep often occurs in association with restless legs syndrome. The combination of these two disorders represents the fourth most common cause of insomnia. Restless legs syndrome is characterized by an ill-described but unpleasant sensation involving the calves, which results in an irresistible urge to move the legs. The uncomfortable sensation is maximal when the legs are at rest. Most patients with restless legs syndrome also have periodic limb movements of sleep, but the reverse is not true. In patients with restless legs syndrome.

Diagnosis. The diagnosis of periodic limb movements of sleep is based on overnight polysomnogram results that demonstrate a series of periodic bursts of muscle activity over the leg EMG leads. Brief arousals or awakenings often follow these bursts of muscle activity. Polysomnography also helps exclude other potential causes of excessive daytime somnolence associated with frequent nocturnal limb movements, such as sleep apnea or fragmentary myoclonus.

Treatment. Although multiple medications have been reported to benefit patients with periodic limb movements of sleep or restless legs syndrome, benzodiazepines, levodopa (Dopar).

The success of long-term treatment is often complicated by tolerance to the therapeutic effects.