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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has a prevalence of 5% in the school-age population is thought to have this, and it’s estimated that 50% of children who have ADHD will have it as adults, and that’s real important to remember because it may be a lifelong thing, in terms of the pediatric practice attention deficit disorder, defcit, atention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, hyperactive. So if you have a child who 

The main issue here is school failure, that’s obviously a big problem in terms of children’s schooling. That’s their major job. That’s what they do on a day-to-day basis and that’s where they form a lot of their social relationships and that’s where a lot of their self-esteem issues come from, is their ability to succeed in school. So school failure is a major thing when you have a child who has an attention deficit disorder. Behavior problems sometimes as a result of their not being able to succeed in 

Inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity are the hallmarks of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In terms of the subdivisions we have; predominantly inattentive, and attention deficit, predominantly hyperactive and impulsive. So if you look in the

Often fails to give close attention to details and makes careless mistakes in school work. Has difficulty in sustaining attention in tasks or play activities.

Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly.

Does not follow through on instructions and often fails to finish doing schoolwork and their chores.

Have difficulty organizing tasks and activities.

Avoid or dislike or reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort.

This is aside from things like the video games children play, and some of the other things they get engaged in. When they really enjoy the activity then they can stay for hours and hours and hours. But the key is that when there is an activity that they have to engage in, where they really aren’t that interested in, they have a hard time sustaining their attention, in an activity that is important to their lives, that they really need to do, they have a hard time sustaining attention. So you’ll have a parent not understanding,

Learning disorders are very common in children who have ADHD so you really have to get involved in evaluating a learning disorder. A lot of children get on medication for ADHD and they can attend but they have a learning disorder, so they are still not going to learn because their learning disorder is not addressed. So it’s real important to address the learning disorder. That’s

And the medications, different medications. Ritalin is the most common medication that is used and you have to be careful in terms of the side effects of Ritalin, and that’s why I say it’s real important to talk to the psychiatrist about this because they can have side effects. The most common side effects would be the insomnia, the poor appetite, the headaches, the stomach ache

You give them Ritalin and you kick them into Tourette’s or major manic episodes. So you have to be really careful about that. Cylert, Dexedrine are the ones that have not been tested as much as the Ritalin and Cylert is an interesting one. Because of the hepatotoxicity there is some …like the

Management; you want academic support, you want the parents … it’s basically the home and the school, and sometimes the neighborhood if you can get neighbors involved, but the parents have to have a very organized home. The classroom has to be

Mega-vitamins, the sugar avoidance, and the Feingold. And you will find that some parents will really stick hard and fast to these interventions. It’s okay if they want to do it, it’s fine but a lot of times you have to really talk about